Image Enhancement under Transformer Oil Based on Multi-Scale Weighted Retinex
摘要: 针对变压器油下图像存在颜色失真、亮度低和细节失真问题,该文提出一种多尺度加权Retinex变压器油下图像增强算法。首先,为了缓解变压器油下图像颜色失真问题,提出一种混合动态颜色通道补偿算法,根据拍摄图像各通道的衰减状态对衰减通道进行动态补偿。然后,为了解决细节失真问题,提出一种锐化权重加权策略。最后,该文创新性采用金字塔多尺度融合策略对不同尺度Retinex反射分量和相应权重图进行加权融合得到变压器油下清晰图像。实验结果表明所提算法可以有效解决变压器油下图像复杂退化问题。Abstract:
Objective: To address degradation issues such as color distortion, low brightness, and detail loss in images captured under transformer oil. Methods: This paper proposes a multi-scale weighted Retinex algorithm for image enhancement. First, to alleviate color distortion, a hybrid dynamic color channel compensation algorithm is proposed. This algorithm compensates dynamically based on the attenuation of each channel in the captured image. Next, a sharpening weight strategy is proposed to tackle detail loss. Finally, a pyramid multi-scale fusion strategy is used to combine different-scale Retinex reflection components with their corresponding weight maps, resulting in clearer images under transformer oil. Results and Discussion: ( Fig.5 ), (Fig.6 ), (Fig.7 ), (Table 1 )Conclusions: Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm effectively addresses the complex degradation issues of images captured under transformer oil. -
图 5 不同算法对图4(a)增强结果
图 6 不同算法对图4(b)增强结果
1 混合动态颜色通道补偿
输入:相机拍摄图像${I_{{\text{in}}}}$,增益系数$\omega $ 输出:补偿后的图像${I_{{\text{out}}}}$ (1) $B,G,R \leftarrow {\text{split}}({I_{{\text{in}}}})$ (2) ${I_{{\text{Max}}}} \leftarrow \max (R,G,B)$ (3) ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} \leftarrow \min (R,G,B)$ (4) if ${I_{{\text{Max}}}} = \bar R$ (5) if ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} = \bar G$ then (6) 计算${V_{{\text{com\_min}}}},{V_{{\text{com\_med}}}}$根据$ {V}_{\mathrm{min}}=G $,
${V_{{\text{med}}}} = B,{V_{\max }} = R$(7) end if (8) if ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} = \bar B$ then (9) 计算${V_{{\text{com\_min}}}},{V_{{\text{com\_med}}}}$根据${V_{\min }} = B$, ${V_{{\text{med}}}} = G $,
${V_{\max }} = R$(10) end if (11) end if (12) if ${I_{{\text{Max}}}} = \bar B$ (13) if ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} = \bar R$ then (14) 计算${V_{{\text{com\_min}}}},{V_{{\text{com\_med}}}}$根据${V_{\min }} = R$, ${V_{{\text{med}}}} = G $,
${V_{\max }} = B$(15) end if (16) if ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} = \bar G$ then (17) 计算${V_{{\text{com\_min}}}},{V_{{\text{com\_med}}}}$根据${V_{\min }} = G$, ${V_{{\text{med}}}} = R $,
${V_{\max }} = B$(18) end if (19) end if (20) if ${I_{{\text{Max}}}} = \bar G$ (21) if ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} = \bar R$ then (22) 计算${V_{{\text{com\_min}}}},{V_{{\text{com\_med}}}}$根据${V_{\min }} = R$, ${V_{{\text{med}}}} = B $,
${V_{\max }} = G$(23) end if (24) if ${I_{{\text{Min}}}} = \bar B$ then (25) 计算${V_{{\text{com\_min}}}},{V_{{\text{com\_med}}}}$根据${V_{\min }} = B$, ${V_{{\text{med}}}} = R $,
${V_{\max }} = G$(26) end if (27) end if (28) ${I_{{\text{out}}}} \leftarrow {\text{merge}}(\bar B,\bar G,\bar R)$ (29) return ${I_{{\text{out}}}}$ 表 1 UIQM, FUDM和NIQE无参考图像质量评估结果
指标 方法 原图 UCM UDCP IBLA ULAP Water-Net Shallow-UWnet UDnet 本文 UIQM 1.476 1.943 1.417 2.144 1.379 2.272 1.273 1.880 3.265 FDUM 0.184 0.224 0.229 0.298 0.294 0.249 0.187 0.183 0.379 NIQE 5.021 4.864 5.315 5.714 4.815 4.859 5.240 4.754 4.681 表 2 不同模块消融实验
HCC DW PF UIQM FDUM NIQE 1.476 0.184 5.021 √ 1.508 0.206 4.982 √ 2.965 0.283 4.630 √ √ 3.112 0.343 4.501 √ √ √ 3.265 0.379 4.681 -
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