Variational Mode Decomposition-Hilbert-Huang Transform Breathing Rate Sensing Algorithm for Integration of Sensing and Communication
摘要: 通感一体化(ISAC)作为一种6G关键技术,将通信和感知功能集成到Wi-Fi设备,为室内人体呼吸频率感知提供一种有效的方法。针对当前基于ISAC的呼吸频率感知存在鲁棒性低和“盲点”的问题,该文提出一种基于信号变分模态分解(VMD)- 希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)呼吸频率感知算法。首先,选择对环境感知敏感度较强的Wi-Fi链路构建信道状态信息(CSI)比值模型。其次,将滤波后的CSI比值时间序列的各子载波进行投影,结合幅相信息生成不同呼吸模式信号的候选集。再次,对于每一个子载波,根据周期性在候选集中选择一个短期呼吸噪声比最大的候选序列作为最终的呼吸模式,然后设置阈值选择子载波,并对其进行VMD和HHT时频分析,去除人体呼吸频率成分以外的模态分量,并重构剩余模态分量。在此基础上,利用主成分分析(PCA)对所有重构的子载波降维,选择方差贡献率达到99%以上的主成分分量,并使用ReliefF算法重新构建呼吸信号,得到融合信号。最后,对融合信号利用峰值检测算法计算呼吸频率。实验结果表明,该感知方法在会议办公室和走廊两种场景下的平均估计精度超过97%,显著提高了鲁棒性并克服了“盲点”问题,优于其他现有的感知方案。
- 通感一体化 /
- 信道状态信息 /
- 呼吸频率 /
- Hilbert-Huang变换 /
- 变分模态分解
Abstract:Objective Breathing rate is a vital physiological indicator of human health. Abnormal changes in this rate can signify diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea syndrome, and nocturnal hypoventilation syndrome. Timely and accurate detection of these changes can help identify health risks early, enable professional medical intervention, and optimize treatment timing, thereby improving overall health. However, current detection methods often face limitations due to noise interference and “blind spot” issues, which impact accuracy and robustness. To address these challenges, this paper employs Wi-Fi devices to measure indoor human breathing rates using Integrated Sensing And Communication (ISAC) technology. By combining Variational Modal Decomposition (VMD) and Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT), a new breathing rate sensing algorithm is proposed. This approach aims to enhance detection accuracy and robustness, resolve the “blind spot” problem in existing technologies, and offer an efficient and reliable solution for health monitoring. Methods Wi-Fi links with high environmental sensitivity were selected to construct the Channel State Information (CSI) ratio model. Subcarriers of the filtered CSI ratio time series were projected, and amplitude and phase information were combined to generate a candidate set of breathing mode signals. For each subcarrier, the sequence with the highest short-term breath noise ratio, determined by periodicity, was identified as the final breath pattern. A threshold was then applied to select relevant subcarriers. Time-frequency analysis using VMD and HHT eliminated modal components unrelated to the human breath rate, and the remaining components were reconstructed. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied for dimensionality reduction, selecting components accounting for over 99% of the variance. The ReliefF algorithm was subsequently used to reconstruct the breath signal into a fused signal, from which the breathing rate was calculated using a peak detection algorithm. Results and Discussions Experiments were conducted in two scenarios: a conference office and a corridor. In both setups, a pair of transceivers was deployed, with a 2-meter distance maintained between the transmitter and receiver. The transmitter used one omnidirectional antenna, and the receiver had three antennas positioned perpendicular to the ground. Participants were seated on the vertical bisector of the Line Of Sight (LOS) path, synchronizing their breathing with a metronome as CSI data were recorded. Each test lasted 1 minute, with a confirmed breathing rate of 16 bpm. System parameters used in the experiments are detailed in Table 1. In the conference office scenario, this paper collected data at various distances from the participant to the transceiver. As illustrated in Figure 9, the Mean Estimation Accuracy (MEA) of our algorithm remains above 97%, even when the participant is 5 meters away. In contrast, the MEA of the other two methods drops by 4% and 5%, respectively. As the sensing distance increases, the multipath effect intensifies, leading to a gradual weakening of the reflected signal and greater noise interference. This impact significantly challenges the breathing detection accuracy of the other methods. The algorithm presented in this paper incorporates a VMD-HHT time-frequency analysis step. This enhancement allows for effective signal decomposition and feature extraction, markedly improving the accuracy of detecting the target breathing signal. Moreover, the method exhibits strong adaptability and robustness, effectively addressing noise interference and multipath effects in complex environments, thus demonstrating more stable performance. In the corridor scenario, we evaluated the algorithm's performance at varying distances. The average absolute error of the algorithm was measured with distances ranging from 2 meters to 5 meters. At 2 meters, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) recorded was 0.37 bpm, and even at 5 meters, the MAE only increased to 0.45 bpm, remaining below 0.5 bpm. As the distance between the target and transceiver increased from 3 to 5 meters, the MAE gradually rose. This trend is attributed to the further attenuation of the signal reflected from the human target, along with the escalating multipath and signal attenuation effects in the environment. Conclusions The experimental results indicate that the MEA of this sensing method exceeds 97% in both the conference office and corridor scenarios. This effectively addresses the "blind spot" issue present in current technologies. The enhanced accuracy and robustness of the algorithm outperform existing sensing schemes. Moreover, this method broadens the application of ISAC in breathing detection and opens new avenues for developing intelligent health management systems in the future. -
表 1 收发机参数配置
参数 发射机 接收机 模式 Injection Monitor 信道编号 64(5.32 GHz) 带宽 20 MHz 发包速率 100 包/s 子载波个数 30 子载波编号 –58, –54,···, 54, 58 发射功率 15 dBm -
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