Federated Learning Technologies for 6G Industrial Internet of Things: From Requirements, Vision to Challenges, Opportunities
摘要: 随着6G技术的蓬勃发展和工业物联网的不断演进,联邦学习在工业领域的应用备受关注。因此,该文专注于探讨6G推动下工业物联网中联邦学习的发展与应用潜力,分析6G在工业物联网的应用前景,探索如何结合6G特性利用联邦学习技术满足数据隐私保护、资源优化和智能决策需求。首先,调研总结了现有相关工作,提出了联邦学习技术面向6G工业物联网应用场景的发展需求与愿景。在此基础上,构建了一种基于分层跨域架构的工业联邦学习新范式,旨在融合6G与数字孪生技术赋能实现泛在、灵活、层次化的联邦学习,以支撑典型工业物联网场景中按需、可靠的分布式智能业务,实现运营信息通信技术(OCIT)的融合。其次,分析归纳了面向6G工业物联网的联邦学习(6G IIoT-FL)可能面临的研究挑战,并提出了潜在的解决方案或建议。最后,指出了该技术未来值得关注的相关方向,旨在一定程度上为后续研究开拓思路。Abstract: With the rapid development of 6G technology and the evolution of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), federated learning has gained significant attention in the industrial sector. This paper explores the development and application potential of federated learning in 6G-driven IIoT, analyzing 6G’s prospects and how its high speed, low latency, and reliability can support data privacy, resource optimization, and intelligent decision-making. First, existing related work is summarized, and the development requirements along with the vision for applying federated learning technology in 6G industrial IoT scenarios are outlined. Based on this, a new paradigm for industrial federated learning, featuring a hierarchical cross-domain architecture, is proposed to integrate 6G and digital twin technologies, enabling ubiquitous, flexible, and layered federated learning. This supports on-demand and reliable distributed intelligent services in typical Industrial IoT scenarios, achieving the integration of Operational and Communication Information Technology (OCIT). Next, the potential research challenges that federated learning might face towards 6G industrial IoT(6G IIoT-FL) are analyzed and summarized, followed by potential solutions or recommendations. Finally, relevant future directions worth attention in this field are highlighted in the study, with the aim of providing insights for subsequent research to some extent.
表 1 相关工作调研
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