Emotion Recognition with Speech and Facial Images
摘要: 为提升情感识别模型的准确率,解决情感特征提取不充分的问题,对语音和面部图像的双模态情感识别进行研究。语音模态提出一种结合通道-空间注意力机制的多分支卷积神经网络(Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Networks, MCNN)的特征提取模型,在时间、空间和局部特征维度对语音频谱图提取情感特征;面部图像模态提出一种残差混合卷积神经网络(Residual Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network, RHCNN)的特征提取模型,进一步建立并行注意力机制关注全局情感特征,提高识别准确率;将提取到的语音和面部图像特征分别通过分类层进行分类识别,并使用决策融合对识别结果进行最终的融合分类。实验结果表明,所提双模态融合模型在RAVDESS, eNTERFACE’05, RML三个数据集上的识别准确率分别达到了97.22%, 94.78%和96.96%,比语音单模态的识别准确率分别提升了11.02%, 4.24%, 8.83%,比面部图像单模态的识别准确率分别提升了4.60%, 6.74%, 4.10%,且与近年来对应数据集上的相关方法相比均有所提升。说明了所提的双模态融合模型能有效聚焦情感信息,从而提升情感识别的准确率。Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy of emotion recognition models and solve the problem of insufficient emotional feature extraction, this paper conducts research on bimodal emotion recognition involving audio and facial imagery. In the audio modality, a feature extraction model of a Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Network (MCNN) incorporating a channel-space attention mechanism is proposed, which extracts emotional features from speech spectrograms across time, space, and local feature dimensions. For the facial image modality, a feature extraction model using a Residual Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (RHCNN) is introduced, which further establishes a parallel attention mechanism that concentrates on global emotional features to enhance recognition accuracy. The emotional features extracted from audio and facial imagery are then classified through separate classification layers, and a decision fusion technique is utilized to amalgamate the classification results. The experimental results indicate that the proposed bimodal fusion model has achieved recognition accuracies of 97.22%, 94.78%, and 96.96% on the RAVDESS, eNTERFACE’05, and RML datasets, respectively. These accuracies signify improvements over single-modality audio recognition by 11.02%, 4.24%, and 8.83%, and single-modality facial image recognition by 4.60%, 6.74%, and 4.10%, respectively. Moreover, the proposed model outperforms related methodologies applied to these datasets in recent years. This illustrates that the advanced bimodal fusion model can effectively focus on emotional information, thereby enhancing the overall accuracy of emotion recognition.
Key words:
- Emotion recognition /
- Attention mechanism /
- Multi-branch convolution /
- Residual mixing /
- Decision fusion
表 1 语音模型各类情感识别结果(%)
类别 RAVDESS RML eNTERFACE’05 P R S F1 P R S F1 P R S F1 中性 83.22 87.94 98.84 85.52 – – – – – – – – 平静 86.94 88.35 97.94 87.64 – – – – – – – – 快乐 79.86 97.46 97.20 87.79 78.12 92.59 95.62 84.75 95.66 95.94 99.12 95.80 悲伤 80.46 78.64 97.04 79.56 91.95 78.82 98.47 84.88 94.59 90.27 99.01 92.38 愤怒 87.03 84.62 97.93 85.80 96.09 94.51 99.25 95.29 84.44 87.99 96.85 86.18 恐惧 85.40 91.06 97.65 88.14 83.43 82.51 96.80 82.97 85.15 88.68 96.90 87.36 厌恶 90.66 83.61 98.41 87.00 86.50 87.37 97.07 86.93 91.83 93.68 98.30 92.75 惊讶 94.31 82.30 99.19 87.89 93.30 94.27 98.60 93.78 92.15 85.67 98.47 88.79 表 2 语音模态已有方法与本文模型在准确率上的对比(%)
表 3 面部图像模型各类情感识别结果(%)
类别 RAVDESS RML eNTERFACE’05 P R S F1 P R S F1 P R S F1 中性 91.95 91.33 99.44 91.64 – – – – – – – – 平静 95.22 93.44 99.24 94.32 – – – – – – – – 快乐 94.79 92.54 99.25 93.65 96.84 97.35 99.36 97.10 89.31 88.29 97.82 88.79 悲伤 94.04 92.21 99.10 93.11 93.22 88.24 98.71 90.66 86.62 84.21 97.57 85.40 愤怒 92.41 93.59 98.80 92.99 91.67 95.38 98.42 93.48 87.61 89.68 97.48 88.63 恐惧 87.27 92.13 97.95 89.63 91.35 87.56 98.27 89.42 87.04 87.78 97.29 87.41 沮丧 94.58 96.62 99.09 95.59 93.75 94.74 98.71 94.24 90.42 89.68 97.99 90.81 惊讶 90.39 87.89 98.66 89.12 90.31 94.15 97.96 92.19 87.01 86.75 97.49 86.88 表 4 面部图像模态经典网络与本文结果对比(%)
数据集 方法 A R S F1 RAVDESS ResNet-34[26] 88.37 88.64 98.34 88.19 ShuffleNetV2[27] 82.03 82.06 97.43 81.60 MobileNetV2[28] 84.03 84.46 97.71 83.86 本文方法 92.62 92.47 98.94 92.51 RML ResNet-34[26] 89.29 89.41 97.86 89.27 ShuffleNetV2[27] 79.55 79.82 95.95 79.24 MobileNetV2[28] 86.07 86.33 97.22 86.05 本文方法 92.86 92.90 98.57 92.85 eNTERFACE’05 ResNet-34[26] 83.30 83.57 96.67 83.28 ShuffleNetV2[27] 82.13 82.17 96.43 82.04 MobileNetV2[28] 83.50 83.68 96.70 83.49 本文方法 88.04 87.98 97.61 87.99 表 5 双模态模型各类情感识别结果(%)
类别 RAVDESS RML eENTERFACE’05 P R S F1 P R S F1 P R S F1 中性 98.66 96.71 99.91 97.67 – – – – – – – – 平静 100.00 98.13 100.00 99.05 – – – – – – – – 快乐 97.57 96.56 99.65 97.06 96.95 98.96 99.37 97.95 96.53 96.53 99.00 96.53 悲伤 96.36 97.98 99.45 97.16 97.22 95.63 99.48 96.42 95.54 95.24 98.59 95.39 愤怒 98.10 95.38 99.70 96.72 98.91 99.45 99.79 99.18 95.18 94.83 98.41 94.96 恐惧 93.48 96.47 98.95 94.95 95.24 93.75 99.06 94.49 92.44 94.56 99.30 93.48 沮丧 96.99 98.47 99.49 97.72 98.02 95.59 99.58 97.30 93.24 93.77 99.19 93.50 惊讶 97.51 97.86 99.65 97.68 95.50 97.45 99.06 96.46 96.07 93.81 99.24 94.93 -
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