Shutter-less Non-uniformity Correction Methods in Uncooled Infrared Imagery
摘要: 受成像原理及加工工艺的限制,非制冷红外探测器存在严重的非均匀性,为了提升红外成像质量,必须对图像进行非均匀性校正。依据成因和分布特点,该文将红外非均匀性分为低频非均匀性、散粒非均匀性和条纹非均匀性3类,并从探测器的光学系统、热敏材料、放大电路等方面探究了非制冷红外成像非均匀性的形成机理。之后,该文系统性地总结目前无挡片非均匀性校正方法,根据方法的工作原理,将其归纳为基于统计的、基于滤波的、基于优化的和基于学习的非均匀性校正方法4类,并根据每类方法在处理不同非均匀性时的特异性进行梳理和总结。最后,本文对现阶段非制冷红外无挡片非均匀性校正方法存在的问题进行了回顾和总结,并对面向实际应用的非均匀性校正方法发展趋势进行了展望。Abstract: Due to the limitations of imaging principles and processing technology, uncooled infrared imagery detectors suffer from serious non-uniformities, damaging the imaging results. To improve the quality of infrared images, non-uniformity correction techniques are of great significance for practical applications. According to the physical formation and spatial characteristics of the non-uniformity in uncooled infrared imagery detectors, this paper divides these common non-uniformities into three categories: low-frequency non-uniformity, shot non-uniformity, and stripe non-uniformity. The physical mechanisms of these non-uniformities are further explored from the procedure in the optical system, thermal materials, and amplifier circuit of the uncooled infrared imagery detector. Then, the existing shutter-less non-uniformity correction methods are systematically summarized. Based on the principles of the methods, statistical-based, filter-based, optimization-based, and learning-based non-uniformity correction methods are categorized. Besides, the specifics of each method in dealing with different non-uniformities are clarified and distinguished. Finally, the existing problems in the current methods are reviewed and summarized, and the development trend of non-uniformity correction methods in future practical applications is prospected.
图 3 低频非均匀性成像机理的仿真验证结果[19]
图 4 条纹非均匀性的低秩特性[22]
表 1 现阶段非均匀性校正方法的特点及适用场景
非均匀性校正方法 适用场景 优势 局限性 统计类 单一、简单的成像非均匀性 快速、简单 存在非均匀性残留;
场景突变时易产生鬼影滤波类 周期性的成像非均匀性 快速、稳定 易出现模糊效应或伪影;
场景突变时易产生鬼影优化类 非均匀性先验已知 灵活、校正效果好 严重依赖先验信息;
收敛速度慢、实时性差学习类 具备大规模成对训练样本 校正效果好 训练时间长、泛化性差 表 2 部分国产非制冷红外探测器技术参数统计
探测器厂商 探测器型号 传感器尺寸(mm3) 成像分辨率 采集帧频(Hz) 艾睿光电 RTDS121C $39.9 \times 33.5 \times 8.53$ $1280 \times 1024$ 30/50/60 RTDF081M $41 \times 31.5 \times 8.31$ $1920 \times 1080$ $ \leqslant $30 大立科技 DLE1280 $38 \times 29 \times 8.6$ $1280 \times 1024$ 60 DLE1920 $45 \times 42.5 \times 8.6$ $1920 \times 1080$ 60 高德红外 COIN612R $25.4 \times 25.4 \times 14.1$ $640 \times 512$ 30 GST1212M $45 \times 28.5 \times 8$ $1280 \times 1024$ 50 -
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