Research on the Double Layer Coupling Dynamic Information Propagation Model of the Internet of Things
摘要: 信息传播模型的研究是物联网领域的重要组成部分,它有助于提高物联网系统的性能和效率,促进物联网技术的进一步发展,针对物联网通信中影响信息传播的因素复杂且不稳定的问题,该文提出一种双层耦合信息传播模型SIVR-UAD,通过分析物联网中不同状态的设备和用户对信息传播的影响,建立了6种耦合状态,并利用马尔科夫方法分析耦合节点的状态变化过程,找到信息传播平衡点,最后通过理论分析证明了模型的平衡点的唯一性以及稳定性。仿真结果表明,在3组不同的初始耦合节点数下,SIVR-UAD模型中的6种耦合节点数量变化始终趋向同一稳定水平,证明了该模型的平衡点和稳定性。
- 物联网通信 /
- 双层耦合信息传播模型 /
- 稳定性证明
Abstract: The study of information dissemination models is an important component of the Internet of Things field, which helps to improve the performance and efficiency of IoT systems, promote the further development of IoT technology. In response to the complex and unstable factors that affect information dissemination in IoT communication, a double-layer coupled information dissemination model SIVR-UAD (Susceptible, Infection, Variant, Recovered-Unknown, Aware, Disinterest) is proposed, which analyzes the impact of devices and users in different states on information dissemination in the Internet of Things, Six coupling states were established, and the Markov method was used to analyze the state change process of the coupling nodes, finding the information dissemination equilibrium point. Finally, the uniqueness and stability of the equilibrium point of the model were proved through theoretical analysis. The simulation results show that under three different initial coupling node numbers, the number of six coupling nodes in the SIVR-UAD model always tends to the same stable level, proving the equilibrium point and stability of the model. -
表 1 模型参数
参数 定义 S 未携带信息的设备 I 携带有效信息的设备 V 携带无效信息的设备 R 不再接收和传播信息的设备 U 不了解信息情况的用户 A 查看过信息且了解情况的用户 D 停止传播无效信息的用户 $ {\beta _1} $ 单位时间设备S接收到有效信息的概率 $ {\beta _2} $ 单位时间设备S接收到无效信息的概率 $ {\mu _1} $ 单位时间设备I不再传播有效信息的概率 $ {\mu _2} $ 单位时间设备V不再传播无效信息的概率 $ \lambda $ 单位时间用户知道信息的概率 $ \delta $ 单位时间用户不再传播无效信息的概率 $ \varphi $ 单位时间设备R不再占用资源的概率 -
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