A Privacy-preserving Self-Sovereign Identity Scheme for Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks
摘要: 针对车联网(VANETs)环境下车辆用户数字身份管理问题,该文提出基于区块链的去中心化可撤销隐私保护自主管理身份(SSI)方案。经可信机构(TA)授权后,路侧单元(RSU)组成委员会负责车辆用户身份注册、数字身份凭证颁发及维护。基于门限BLS签名和实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)共识机制实现数字身份凭证创建,解决凭证颁发机构去中心化问题;集成秘密共享和零知识证明技术,解决数字身份凭证颁发和验证过程中隐私保护问题;基于密码学累加器技术,解决分布式存储环境数字身份凭证撤销问题。最后,对该方案安全属性进行了详细分析,证明方案能够满足所提出的安全目标,同时基于本地以太坊私有链平台使用智能合约对所提方案进行了实现及性能分析,实验结果表明了设计的可靠性、可行性和有效性。Abstract: A decentralized, revocable, and privacy-preserving Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solution based on blockchain is proposed to address digital identity management challenges for users in the context of the Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs). The Road Side Units (RSU) authorized by a Trusted Authority (TA) to form a committee are responsible for user registration, credential issuer and management.The threshold BLS signature and the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) consensus mechanism are uesd to create digital identity credentials to resolve the issues resulted in the centralized certification authorities. The combining secret sharing and zero-knowledge proof addresses privacy concerns during identity credential issuance and verification. The cryptographic accumulator is employed to tackle the revocation of user identity credentials in distributed storage scenarios. Finally, our comprehensive security analysis demonstrates the novel scheme can meet the proposed security objectives. The novel solution is implemented on an Ethereum private blockchain by using smart contracts, and experimental results show the reliability, feasibility and effectiveness of our scheme.
表 1 各阶段理论计算时间(ms)
阶段 计算 注册 ${{{T}}_{\mathrm{h}}}$+${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{sig}}}}$+${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{ver}}}}$≈2.40 创建 5${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{sig}}}}$+3${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{ver}}}}$+3${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{add}}}}$+6${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{mul}}}}$+${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{bp}}}}$≈21.61 颁发 9${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{add}}}}$+8${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{mul}}}}$+${{{T}}_{\mathrm{h}}}$≈16.90 验证 12${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{add}}}}$+20${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{mul}}}}$+4${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{bp}}}}$≈43.88 撤销 ${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{add}}}}$+2${{{T}}_{{\mathrm{mul}}}}$≈3.16 表 2 方案Gas花销测试结果
阶段 Gas单元 注册 2075 649 创建 798 244 颁发 948 106 验证 1351 186 撤销 564 352 -
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