Integrated Scheduling Algorithm for Flexible Equipment Network Considering Same Layer After Process
摘要: 针对柔性设备网络综合调度算法,难以合理选择加工设备加工相关工序进而影响产品完工时间的问题,该文提出考虑同层后道工序的柔性设备网络综合调度算法(SP-FENIS)。首先,采用逆序层优先策略,将各工序分配至逆序层待调度工序集;然后,提出均值逆序紧后路径策略,确定了各逆序层待调度工序集中工序的调度顺序;最后,提出最早完工时间策略和设备空闲插入策略,当工序在柔性设备上最早完工时间相同时,考虑了在柔性设备上的加工时间和同层后道工序的加工设备,确定了目标工序的加工设备以及加工时间。实例表明,和已有算法相比,该算法能够缩短产品完工时间。Abstract: The integrated scheduling algorithm of flexible equipment network is difficult to reasonably select the relevant processes of processing equipment, which affects the completion time of products. An Integrated Scheduling algorithm for Flexible Equipment Network considering the Same layer after Process (SP-FENIS) is proposed. Firstly, the priority strategy of the reverse order layer is adopted, which assigns each process to the set of processes to be scheduled in the reverse layer. Then, the average reverse-order compact path strategy is proposed to determine the scheduling sequence of the processes to be scheduled in each reverse order layer. Finally, the earliest completion time strategy and equipment idle insertion strategy are proposed. When the earliest completion time of the process on the flexible equipment is the same, the processing time on the flexible equipment and the processing equipment of the same layer after the process are considered, and the processing equipment and processing time of the target process are determined. The example shows that, compared with the existing algorithm, the proposed algorithm can shorten the product completion time.
表 1 SP-FENIS算法调度产品A的调度过程
工序集工序号 EFT 所选加工设备 M1 M2 M3 M4 A20 A20 25 15 null 20 M2 A19,A18 A19 null 35 40 null M2 A18 30 null 40 35 M1 A17,A16,
A15A17 55 null 60 55 M4(工序A17在M1,M3上最早完工时间和加工用时都相同,根据同层后道工序A16的短用时设备M1进行选择,选择与同层后道工序的短用时设备不同的加工设备M4) A16 50 null 60 null M1 A15 null 60 50 80 M3 A14,A12,
A11,A13A14 null 95 null 75 M4 A12 70 null 70 120 M3(工序A12在M1,M3上最早完工时间和加工用时都相同,同时没有与同层后道工序的短用时设备相同的加工设备,则进行随机选择,选择M3) A11 null 80 null 95 M2 A13 65 100 null 90 M1 A9,A7,A10,
A8,A6A9 105 100 100 null M2(工序A9在M2,M3上最早完工时间相同,在M2上加工用时短,选择M2) A7 null 130 85 95 M3 A10 95 125 110 null M1 A8 115 null 100 100 M3(工序A8在M2,M3上最早完工时间相同,在M3上加工用时短,选择M3) A6 110 null 120 null M1 A4,A3,A5 A4 140 null null 120 M4 A3 125 130 120 null M3 A5 null 120 135 160 M2 A1,A2 A1 null null 140 130 M4 A2 130 135 null null M1 -
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