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魏立斐 张无忌 张蕾 胡雪晖 王绪安

魏立斐, 张无忌, 张蕾, 胡雪晖, 王绪安. 基于本地差分隐私的异步横向联邦安全梯度聚合方案[J]. 电子与信息学报. doi: 10.11999/JEIT230923
引用本文: 魏立斐, 张无忌, 张蕾, 胡雪晖, 王绪安. 基于本地差分隐私的异步横向联邦安全梯度聚合方案[J]. 电子与信息学报. doi: 10.11999/JEIT230923
WEI Lifei, ZHANG Wuji, ZHANG Lei, HU Xuehui, WANG Xuan. A Secure Gradient Aggregation Scheme based on Local Differential Privacy in Asynchronous Horizontal Federated Learning[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. doi: 10.11999/JEIT230923
Citation: WEI Lifei, ZHANG Wuji, ZHANG Lei, HU Xuehui, WANG Xuan. A Secure Gradient Aggregation Scheme based on Local Differential Privacy in Asynchronous Horizontal Federated Learning[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. doi: 10.11999/JEIT230923


doi: 10.11999/JEIT230923
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61972241, 62172436),上海市自然科学基金(22ZR1427100),陕西省自然科学基金(2023-JC-YB-584) ,上海市软科学研究项目(23692106700)







    张蕾 Lzhang@shou.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN919; TP309

A Secure Gradient Aggregation Scheme based on Local Differential Privacy in Asynchronous Horizontal Federated Learning

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61972241, 62172436), Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (22ZR1427100), Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2023-JC-YB-584), Soft Science Project of Shanghai (23692106700)
  • 摘要: 联邦学习作为一种新兴的分布式机器学习框架,通过在用户私有数据不出域的情况下进行联合建模训练,有效地解决了传统机器学习中的数据孤岛和隐私泄露问题。然而,联邦学习存在着训练滞后的客户端拖累全局训练速度的问题,异步联邦学习允许用户在本地完成模型更新后立即上传到服务端并参与到聚合任务中,而无需等待其他用户训练完成。然而,异步联邦学习也存在着无法识别恶意用户上传的错误模型,以及泄露用户隐私的问题。针对这些问题,该文设计一种面向隐私保护的异步联邦的安全梯度聚合方案(SAFL)。用户采用本地差分隐私策略,对本地训练的模型添加扰动并上传到服务端,服务端通过投毒检测算法剔除恶意用户,以实现安全聚合(SA)。最后,理论分析和实验表明在异步联邦学习的场景下,提出的方案能够有效识别出恶意用户,保护用户的本地模型隐私,减少隐私泄露风险,并相对于其他方案在模型的准确率上有较大的提升。
  • 图  1  异步联邦学习与传统同步联邦学习对比图

    图  2  不同投毒阈值下的预测准确率对比

    图  3  不同测试数据集和训练模型下抵御投毒攻击效果对比,全局隐私预算$\varepsilon = 6$

    图  4  对比SAFL和FedAvg,Krum以及Trimmed-mean方案在不同数据集下的抗投毒预测,全局差分隐私预算$\varepsilon = 6$

    表  1  异步联邦学习方案对比

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    算法1 SAFL-Server算法
     输入:数据集$\left\{ {{D_1},{D_2}, \cdots ,{D_N}} \right\}$,学习率$\eta $,全局训练轮数$T$,
     缓冲区大小为K,客户端的数量为N,每轮选中的客户端占比为 F
     输出:收敛后的全局模型${\omega _t}$
     (1) for t = 1 to T do
     (2)  $k \leftarrow 0$
     (3)  $ m \leftarrow {\text{max}}\left( {F \cdot N,1} \right) $
     (4)  ${S_t} \leftarrow {\text{random}}\left\{ {{C_1},{C_1}, \cdots ,{C_m}} \right\} - {\text{poisonerList}}$
     (5)  for each client $i \in {S_t}$ in parallel do
     (6)   $ {\text{ClientUpdate}}\left( {i,{w_t},t,{\sigma _i}} \right) $
     (7)  if receive client update from client $i$ then
     (8)   $ \left( {w_t^i,{t_i}} \right) \leftarrow $received update from client $i$
     (9)   $k \leftarrow k + 1$
     (10) if $k = = K$ then
     (11)   $ w_t^{{\text{set}}} \leftarrow \left\{ {w_t^1,w_t^2, \ldots ,w_t^i} \right\} $
     (12)   $ {\text{cid}} \leftarrow {\text{max}}\left( {{\text{cos}}\left( {w_t^{{\text{set}}},{w_t}} \right)} \right) $ // 计算最大余弦相似度
     (13)   $ {w_{t + 1}} \leftarrow {\text{SA}}\left( {{\text{cid}},w_t^{{\text{set}}}} \right) $ // 安全聚合模型
     (14)   $k \leftarrow 0$
     (15) return ${w_t}$
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    算法2 SAFL-Client
     Thread-1 ${\rm{ClientUpdate}}$:
     输入:本地迭代轮次E,梯度裁剪阈值C,第t 轮的全局模型${w_t}$,
     本地差分隐私参数${\varepsilon _i},{\delta _i}$。
     输出:更新模型$ {w_i} $和训练轮次$t$
     (1) for k = 1 to E do
     (2)  for batch $b \subseteq {D_i}$ do
     (3)   $g_{i,b}^k\left( {{\mathcal{D}_{i,b}}} \right) \leftarrow \nabla \ell \left( {w,b} \right)$ // 计算梯度
     (4)   $g_{i,b}^k\left( {{\mathcal{D}_{i,b}}} \right) \leftarrow g_{i,b}^k\left( {{\mathcal{D}_{i,b}}} \right)/\max \left( {1,\frac{{\parallel g_{i,b}^k\left( {{\mathcal{D}_{i,b}}} \right){\parallel _2}}}{C}} \right)$ //
     (5)   $ w_i^{k + 1} \leftarrow w_i^k - \dfrac{1}{{\left| {{D_i}} \right|}}\displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{b = 1}^{\left| {{D_i}} \right|} {\eta g_{i,b}^k\left( {{D_{i,b}}} \right)} $
     (6)   $ w_i^{k + 1} \leftarrow w_i^{k + 1} + N\left( {0,\Delta {s^{{D_i}}}/{\varepsilon _i}} \right) $ // 添加高斯噪声
     (7)   send $\left( {{w_i},t} \right)$ to the server
     Thread-2 ${\rm{ClientEvaluate}}$
     (8) local variables$ l = 0,{\text{scoreLis}}{{\text{t}}_t} = [] $
     (9) for each model $ m \in {\text{garbleLis}}{{\text{t}}_t} $ do
     (10)  ${\text{gcc}} \leftarrow {\text{Evaluate}}\left( {m,{D_{{\text{cid}}}}} \right)$ // 计算模型对数据集${D_{{\text{cid}}}}$的
     (11)  ${\text{scoreLis}}{{\text{t}}_t}\left[ l \right] \leftarrow {\text{gcc}}$
     (12)  $l \leftarrow l + 1$
     (13) return ${\text{scoreLis}}{{\text{t}}_t}$
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    算法3 SAFL-Detect
     输入:第t轮缓冲区中的模型集合 $ w_t^{{\text{set}}} $
     输出:投毒用户集合$ {\text{posionerSe}}{{\text{t}}_t} $
     (1) $ {\text{randomModelSe}}{{\text{t}}_t} \leftarrow \left\{ {{w_1},{w_2}, \ldots ,{w_i}} \right\} $
     (2) $ {\text{garbelModelSe}}{{\text{t}}_t} \leftarrow {{\mathrm{shuffle}}} (w_t^{{\text{set}}} + {\text{randomModelSe}}{{\text{t}}_t}) $
     (3) $ {\text{socreLis}}{{\text{t}}_t} \leftarrow {\text{ClientEvaluate}}({\text{garbelModelSe}}{{\text{t}}_t}) $
     (4) ${\text{cluster1,cluster}}2 \leftarrow {K} {\text{-}} {\text{Means}}({\text{socreLis}}{{\text{t}}_t})$
     (5) $ {\text{posionerSet}}_{t}\leftarrow \mathrm{min}(\mathrm{avg}(\text{cluster1}),\text{avg(cluster2})) $
     (6) return $ {\text{posionerSe}}{{\text{t}}_t} $
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    算法4 安全聚合算法${\text{SA}}$
     $\left| {{D_i}} \right|$。${t_i}$是客户端$i$接收模型时的全局轮次
     (1) $ {\text{poisonerSe}}{{\text{t}}_t} \leftarrow {\text{Detect}}(w_t^{{\text{set}}}) $
     (2) for each client id $ {\text{id}} \in {\text{poisonerSe}}{{\text{t}}_t} $ do
     (3)  ${\text{clientsAttack}}\left[ {{\text{id}}} \right] \leftarrow {\text{clientsAttack}}\left[ {{\text{id}}} \right] + 1$
     (4) for each client model ${w_i} \in w_t^{{\text{set}}}$ do
     (5)  if ${\text{clientsAttack}}\left[ i \right] < {\text{th}}$ then
     (6)   $s \leftarrow {(1 + t - {t_i})^{ - 0.5}}$
     (7)   ${w_t} \leftarrow {w_{t - 1}} + s \cdot \left( {\left| {{D_i}} \right|/M} \right){w_i}$
     (8) return ${w_t}$
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    表  2  不同数据集上模型的预测准确率,投毒比例p=0.4 (%)

    训练模型 方法 MNIST
    CNN FedAvg[24] 81.1 42.7
    Krum[25] 10.2 9.8
    Trimmed-mean[26] 51.9 40.2
    SAFL 96.5 82.3
    MLP FedAvg[24] 72.3 66.7
    Krum[25] 27.5 30.7
    Trimmed-mean[26] 71.0 66.5
    SAFL 86.4 76.2
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