Regular Backtracking Fast Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm Based on Dice Coefficient Forward Prediction
摘要: 为了提高压缩感知重构算法的成功率与重构精度,该文提出基于Dice前向预测的正交正则回溯匹配追踪算法 (DLARBOMP)。在该算法中,首先从匹配准则与预选阶段原子选取的角度,利用Dice系数代替原子内积计算相关度,保留原始信号信息的特性,以此选择与残差最匹配的原子,提高算法的重构精度。同时,针对信号重构过程回溯算法的时间过长问题,在每次原子迭代过程中,该文利用正则化选择多个原子而非单个原子,实现重构精度与重构时间的平衡。最后,通过稀疏1维信号与2维图像信号重构的实验结果,显示了所提DLARBOMP算法在1维信号重构时兼顾了性能与效率,在2维压缩图像信号重构时提高其峰值信噪比(PSNR),优于正交匹配追踪(OMP)及其最新改进贪婪类算法。Abstract: In order to improve the success rate and reconstruction accuracy of the compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm, the Look Ahead and Regular Backtracking Orthogonal Matching Pursuit based on Dice coefficient (DLARBOMP) is proposed. In this algorithm, from the perspective of matching criteria and atom selection in the pre-selection stage, the Dice coefficient is used to replace the atomic inner product to calculate the correlation value and preserve the characteristics of the original signal, to select the atom that best matches the residual and improve the reconstruction accuracy. At the same time, to reduce backtracking time in the reconstruction process, regularization is used to select multiple atoms instead of a single atom in each iteration, achieving a balance between reconstruction accuracy and time. Finally, the experimental results of sparse one-dimensional signal and two-dimensional image signal reconstruction show that the proposed DLARBOMP algorithm considers both performance and efficiency when reconstructing one-dimensional signal, and enhances the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) when reconstructing two-dimensional compressed image signal, as compared to Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and the state-of-the-art greedy algorithms.
Key words:
- Signal reconstruction /
- Compressed sensing /
- Dice coefficient /
- Regular backtracking /
- Greedy algorithms
表 1 压缩比${M \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {M N}} \right. } N}$分别为0.3,0.5和0.7时算法重构性能比较
算法 0.3 0.5 0.7 PSNR(dB) $\sigma $ PSNR(dB) $\sigma $ PSNR(dB) $\sigma $ OMP[10] 20.1031 0.1394 26.3683 0.0902 29.9089 0.0574 LAOMP[14] 21.9710 0.1377 26.8765 0.0847 30.3367 0.0559 LABOMP[15] 21.9811 0.1370 27.0628 0.0835 30.3590 0.0554 MMP-IIPMC[28] 22.0009 0.1318 27.1078 0.0812 31.0811 0.0511 MPSP[27] 21.9251 0.1301 26.8977 0.0841 30.3806 0.0557 DWBMP[23] 21.8674 0.1335 26.9524 0.0836 30.3441 0.0552 本文DLARBOMP 22.0072 0.1296 27.2606 0.0810 31.7642 0.0473 -
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