Research on Peak to Average Power Ratio Suppression Method of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Signal Based on Improved Tone Reservation Algorithm
摘要: 由于系统对线性元器件的要求非常严格,导致目前正交频分复用(OFDM)系统产生峰值平均功率比(PAPR)过高的问题,引起OFDM和基于OFDM的雷达一体化系统的信号失真,影响系统性能。针对该问题,该文提出了基于加权最小二乘法的子载波预留法(TR)。该算法首先将OFDM设计方案中的子载波分为数据子载波和预留的空白子载波,数据子载波调制数据子载波,空白子载波调制空白数据。然后利用原始数据通过加权最小二乘法得到最佳削峰系数和削峰数据,并将削峰数据调制在空白子载波上面。最后将削峰数据叠加到原始数据上,完成PAPR的抑制。仿真表明,基于加权最小二乘法的TR算法能够在1~3次迭代下实现良好的PAPR抑制效果,并且它的收敛速度相比于传统算法有了明显的提高。Abstract: Due to the very strict requirements of the system for linear components, the current Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) system has the problem of high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), which causes signal distortion of OFDM and OFDM-based radar integrated system, and affects the system performance. To solve this problem, a Tone Reservation(TR) method based on the weighted least squares method is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the subcarriers in the OFDM design scheme are divided into data subcarriers and reserved blank subcarriers, data subcarriers modulate data subcarriers, and blank subcarriers modulate blank data. Then, the original data is used to obtain the best peak clipping coefficient and peak clipping data through the weighted least squares method, and the peak clipping data is modulated on the blank subcarrier. Finally, the peak shaving data is superimposed on the original data to complete the suppression of PAPR. Simulation results show that the TR algorithm based on weighted least squares method can achieve good PAPR suppression effect in 1 to 3 iterations, and its convergence speed is significantly improved compared with the traditional algorithm.
表 1 PAPR仿真参数
参数 数值 雷达载频 1.5 GHz 信号带宽 1 MHz 信号时宽 64 μs 采样频率 2 MHz 脉冲周期 480 μs 信噪比 20 dB 迭代次数 5 -
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