Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Ocean Wind Vector Using Subsatellite-Observation Spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry
摘要: 该文针对星载全球导航卫星反射计(GNSS-R)镜面反射信号对海面风向不敏感导致海面风向反演难问题,分析非镜向海面散射信号特征,提出星下点非镜向观测模式,定义该模式下海面风矢量敏感特征观测量,在此基础上提出基于星载GNSS-R海面风矢量极大似然估计(MLE)反演算法直接利用两颗及以上导航卫星的星下点非镜向散射信号进行海面风矢量的反演,并提出风矢量搜索算法提高反演效率。通过搭建星载GNSS-R仿真平台验证算法的可行性和评估算法性能。结果表明:所提算法可直接利用非镜向独立观测模式下的多颗导航卫星散射信号反演得到海面风速和风向;多星观测可消除观测几何导致的模糊解从而将海风风向4个模糊解降至2个模糊解,但无法消除海浪谱的对称性导致的海面风向模糊解。在2~25 m/s的风速内,当信噪比(SNR)大于11 dB时,3星观测的风速均方根误差(RMSE)优于2 m/s,风向的均方根误差优于15°。
- 全球导航卫星系统反射计 /
- 极大似然估计 /
- 海面风矢量 /
- 遥感
Abstract: It is difficult to retrieve the ocean wind direction using the specular reflection signal owing to its insensitivity to the sea surface wind direction. The sensitivity of the scattered Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) signal from the non-specular geometry to wind direction is first investigated in this paper. The sub-satellite non-specular observation mode is proposed, and the observable quanitity sensitive to wind direction in this mode is defined. Based on this mode, the wind vector retrieval algorithm using spaceborne GNSS-R based on the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is presented, in which the sub-satellite non-specular scattering signals from two and more navigation satellites are used to retrieve ocean wind vector. A simulator is developed to demonstrate and test the proposed algorithm. The results show that due to the ambiguity of the observation geometry and the symmetry of the ocean spectrum, there are four uncertain solutions in the retrieved wind directions. The ambiguity of the measurement geometry can be eliminated by using the multi-satellite observation, and only two possible solutions of wind directions still are remained. When the scattered signals from three satellites are used, and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is over 11 dB, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the retrieved wind speed and direction are less 2 m/s and 15° with a wind speed rang of 2~25 m/s. -
表 1 星下点非镜向配置参数表
符号 参数 值 $ {P_{\text{t}}} $ 发射信号功率 26.8 W $ {G_{\text{t}}} $ 发射天线增益 12.1 dB $ {h_{\text{t}}} $ 发射机高度 20 200 km $ {h_{\text{r}}} $ 接收机高度 510 km $ {G_{\text{r}}} $ 接收天线增益 12.1 dB $ {T_{{\text{coh}}}} $ 相干积分时间 1 ms $ {N_{{\text{incoh}}}} $ 非相干累加次数 1 000 ${D_{\text{c}}}$ 检测因子 26.3 $ {f_{\text{B}}} $ 接收机带宽 2.5 MHz ${T_{{\text{eff}}}}$ 等效温度 25°C ${\theta _{\text{i}}}$ 入射角 [0,90°] $ {\varphi _{\text{w}}} $ 风向 90° $ {u_{10}} $ 风速 5~20 m/s -
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