Multi-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Trajectory Optimization for Age of Information Minimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要: 由于无线传感器网络(WSN)中传感器的传输功率有限,同时可能与基站(BS)传输距离较远,造成无法及时交付数据,数据新鲜度过低,影响时延敏感型业务决策质量。因此,采用无人机(UAV)辅助收集传感器数据,成为提升无线传感器网络数据新鲜度的有效手段。该文通过信息年龄(AoI)性能指标评估无线传感器网络数据新鲜度,并基于集中式训练分布式执行框架的多智能体近端策略优化(MAPPO)方法研究了无人机轨迹优化算法。通过联合优化所有无人机的飞行轨迹,实现地面节点平均加权信息年龄的最小化。仿真结果验证了所提多无人机路径规划算法在降低无线传感器网络信息年龄方面的有效性。Abstract: Due to the limited transmitting power of sensors in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and high probability of large distance between sensors and their associated Base Station(BS), the sensor data may not be received in time. This will reduce the data freshness of sensor data and affect the quality of decision for delay sensitive service. Therefore, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to assist in collecting sensor data has become an effective solution to decrease the data freshness, measured by Age of Information (AoI), in wireless sensor networks. A UAV trajectory optimization algorithm based on the Multi-Agent Proximal Policy Optimization (MAPPO) method is developed in this paper, which employs a centralized-training and distributed-execution framework. By jointly optimizing the flight trajectories of all UAVs, the average AoI of all ground nodes is minimized. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of our proposed UAV trajectory optimization algorithm on minimizing the AoI in the WSN.
算法1 基于MAPPO方法的多无人机路径规划算法 初始化:Actor网络、Critic网络的参数$ \theta $和$ \omega $,设置训练最大回
合数(episode)为$ T $,单个回合最大步数(step)为$ L $,无人机数量
为$ N $,批采样大小(batch size)为$ B $,迭代(epoch)大小为$ K $;For episode=1: $ T $ do 初始化每个无人机状态$ {s_i}(t) $、联合状态$ S(t) $ For step=1: $ L $ do 每个无人机根据自身策略选择动作$ {a_i}(t) $ 执行动作$ A(t) = \left\{ {{a_1}(t),{a_2}(t),\cdots,{a_n}(t)} \right\} $,得到奖励
$ R(t) $和下一状态$ S(t{\text{ + 1}}) $For UAV=1: $ N $ do 将采样轨迹$ ({s_i}(t),{a_i}(t),r(t),{s_i}(t + 1)) $存入经验池$ D $ 基于采样轨迹计算GAE For epoch=1:$ K $ do 从经验池$ D $随机抽取小批次数据$ B $来训练网络 应用Adam优化器求梯度下降 根据式(20)更新Actor网络参数$ \theta = \theta ' $ 根据式(21)更新Critic网络参数$ \omega = \omega ' $ End for End for $ s(t) = s(t + 1),\;S(t) = S(t + 1) $ End for End for 表 1 仿真环境参数
参数 数值 无人机飞行高度$ {h_i} $(m) 120 基站高度$ {h_{\text{b}}} $(m) 25 无人机的飞行速度$ v $(m) 10 最小防碰撞距离$ {d_{\min }} $(m) 5 无人机传输功率$ {P_{\text{u}}} $(dBm) 23 传感器传输功率$ {P_{\text{s}}} $(w) 0.1 噪声功率$ {\sigma ^2} $(dBm) –100 通信带宽$ B $(MHz) 5 时隙长度$ {T_{\text{c}}} $(s) 1 数据包大小$ S $(bits) 1e6 NLoS衰减因子$ \psi $ 0.6 路径衰落参数$ \mu $ 2 参考距离为1m时的信道增益$ {\beta _0} $(dB) –60 表 2 强化学习参数
参数 数值 训练回合数$ {T_{\max }} $ 2e4 每个回合最大步数$ {l_{\max }} $ 100 经验池大小$ D $ 1e4 采样批次大小$ B $ 256 折扣因子$ \gamma $ 0.95 Actor网络学习率$ {\delta _1} $ 3e–4 Critic网络学习率$ {\delta _2} $ 3e–4 裁剪超参数$ \varepsilon $ 0.2 GAE的$ \lambda $ 0.95 -
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