Multi-channel Enhanced Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
摘要: 传统的基于单通道的特征提取方式,仅使用单一的依赖关系捕获特征,忽略单词间的语义相似性与依赖关系类型信息。尽管基于图卷积网络进行方面情感分析的方法已经取得一定成效,但始终难以同时聚合节点的语义信息和句法结构特征,在整个迭代训练过程中最初的语义特征会逐渐遗失,影响句子最终的情感分类效果。由于缺乏先验知识会导致模型对相关情感词的误解,因此需要引入外部知识来丰富文本信息。目前,如何利用图神经网络(GNN)融合句法和语义特征的方式仍值得深入研究。针对上述问题,该文提出一种多通道增强图卷积网络模型。首先,通过对情感知识和依赖类型增强的句法图进行图卷积操作,得到基于语法的两种表示,与经过多头注意力和图卷积学习到的语义表示进行融合,使多通道的特征能够互补学习。实验结果表明,在5个公开数据集上,准确率和宏F1值优于基准模型。由此可见,依赖类型和情感知识均对增强句法图有重要影响,表明融合语义信息与句法结构的有效性。Abstract: In traditional single-channel-based feature extraction approaches, features are captured solely based on dependency, while semantic similarity and dependency types between words are ignored. Although some success has been achieved through the graph convolutional network-based approach for sentiment analysis, aggregating both semantic information and syntactic structure features remains challenging, and the gradual loss of semantic features throughout the training process affects the final sentiment classification effect. To prevent the model from misinterpreting relevant sentiment words due to the absence of prior knowledge, the inclusion of external knowledge is recommended to enrich the text. Presently, how to utilize Graph Neural Networks(GNN) to fuse syntactic and semantic features still deserves further research. A multi-channel enhanced graph convolutional network model is proposed in this paper to address the above issues. First, graph convolution operations on syntactic graphs enhanced with sentiment knowledge and dependency types are performed to obtain two syntax-based representations, which are fused with the semantic representations learned through multi-head attention and graph convolution, so that the multi-channel features can be learned complementarily. It is observed from the experimental results that both the accuracy and macro F1 of our model surpass those of the benchmark model on five publicly available datasets. These findings indicate the importance of dependency types and affective knowledge to enhance syntactic graphs and highlight the effectiveness of combining semantic information with syntactic structure.
表 1 SenticNet 6中情感词汇示例
词汇 极性-标签 SenticNet情感得分 语义相关词汇 Great 积极 0.999 'adore', 'glory', 'devote', 'admire', 'fairly' Excellent 积极 0.795 'well_done', 'great', 'excelent', 'good_quality', 'good' Hard 消极 –0.291 'hard_nail', 'disturb', 'upset', 'perturb', 'frustrate' Belittlement 消极 –0.693 'revile', 'rude', 'vituperation', 'scurrility', 'billingsgate' Unsalable 消极 –0.934 'sorry', 'trash', 'rubbish', 'superfluous', 'otiose' 表 2 数据集统计
数据集 积极 中性 消极 训练集 测试集 训练集 测试集 训练集 测试集 Twitter 1561 173 3127 346 1560 173 Lap14 994 341 464 169 870 128 Rest14 2164 728 637 196 807 196 Rest15 912 326 36 34 256 182 Rest16 1240 469 69 30 439 117 表 3 模型的超参数设置
超参数 GloVe参数设置 BERT参数设置 批量训练样本数Batch size 16 16 训练迭代次数Epoch 100 100 优化器Optimizer Adam Adam 学习率Learning rate 10–3 2×10–5 丢失率Dropout rate 0.3 0.2 L2正则化系数 10–5 10–3 表 4 不同模型的结果对比(%)
类别 模型 Twitter Lap 14 Rest 14 Rest 15 Rest16 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 基线 LSTM 69.56 67.70 69.28 63.09 78.13 67.47 77.37 55.17 86.80 63.88 ATAE-LSTM 69.65 67.40 69.14 63.18 77.32 66.57 75.43 56.34 83.25 63.85 IAN 72.50 70.81 72.05 67.38 79.26 70.09 78.54 52.65 84.74 55.21 AF-LSTM 69.21 68.24 69.97 63.49 77.46 65.18 76.12 56.29 85.61 66.15 GCN模型 TD-GAT 72.70 70.45 75.63 70.64 81.32 71.72 80.38 60.50 87.71 67.87 ASGCN 72.15 70.40 75.55 71.05 80.77 72.02 79.89 61.89 88.99 67.48 BiGCN 74.16 73.35 74.49 71.84 81.97 73.48 81.16 64.79 88.96 70.84 GL-GCN 73.26 71.26 76.91 72.76 82.11 73.46 80.81 64.99 88.47 69.64 MIGCN 73.31 72.12 76.59 72.44 82.32 74.31 80.81 64.21 89.50 71.97 DA-GCN 72.78 70.93 75.58 71.20 81.42 74.62 79.70 61.88 89.76 67.81 MSD-GCN 74.52 73.68 77.59 74.18 82.67 75.44 80.44 67.74 89.03 71.95 SGAN 74.95 73.37 76.75 72.90 81.80 74.28 81.28 65.31 88.49 72.83 KSD-GCN 75.00 73.38 78.37 75.18 84.11 76.78 82.47 64.20 90.42 73.81 BERT DA-GCN-BERT 75.43 73.67 78.82 75.28 83.43 74.35 82.97 64.56 89.69 71.86 SK-GCN-BERT 75.00 73.01 79.00 75.57 83.48 75.19 83.20 66.78 87.19 72.02 KSD-GCN-BERT 76.73 75.76 80.72 76.58 86.07 80.00 84.50 68.83 91.88 74.09 表 5 消融实验结果(%)
模型 Twitter Lap 14 Rest 14 Rest 15 Rest16 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 Acc 宏F1 本文 75.00 73.38 78.37 75.18 84.11 76.78 82.47 64.20 90.42 73.81 w/o sem 72.25 70.58 75.70 71.28 81.33 71.59 81.36 62.12 88.31 68.10 w/o dsyn 73.55 71.50 74.60 70.10 81.51 71.47 80.81 61.61 87.66 67.73 w/o ksyn 73.12 71.92 74.61 70.23 81.60 72.08 80.25 63.77 88.96 68.51 w/o sem-dsyn 72.54 70.78 75.39 70.73 81.16 71.12 80.99 62.44 88.31 70.11 w/o dsyn-ksyn 72.97 71.44 75.54 70.48 81.07 70.21 80.44 62.03 87.66 68.54 w/o sem-ksyn 72.54 70.79 74.60 71.22 80.98 71.19 79.70 62.01 88.14 69.46 -
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