Performance Analysis of Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Multiple Primary Users Cognitive Networks Based on NOMA
摘要: 卫星通信(SatCom)因其强大的生存能力和无缝覆盖的独特优势,能够弥补地面通信网络受地形限制、覆盖范围小等短板,在当前和未来的无线通信系统中具有重要的地位。此外,空中辅助通信由于其在星地网中的灵活性和可扩展性,具有很高的研究价值。为克服星空地网络(ISATN)中频谱短缺问题,认知无线电(CR)和非正交多址接入(NOMA)被用于提高频谱利用率和传输性能。因此,该文研究了基于NOMA的星空地认知网络(CISATN)的性能,考虑多用户场景,分别得到了主网络和次级网络的中断概率(OP)的准确表达式和高信噪比下的渐进表达式,并给出了这两个网络的分集增益。最后,通过蒙特卡罗仿真验证了理论推导的正确性,并分析了关键变量对系统指标的影响。Abstract: Due to its unique advantages of strong survivability and seamless coverage, Satellite Communication (SatCom) can make up for the shortcomings of ground communication such as terrain limitations and small coverage, and has become increasingly important in current and future communication systems. In addition, aerial-assisted communication is considered as a valuable research direction due to its flexibility and scalability in satellite ground networks. To overcome the problems of spectrum shortage and low spectrum utilization in Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Network (ISATN), Cognitive Radio (CR) and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) are used in wireless communication networks to improve spectrum utilization and transmission performance. In this regard, the performance of an NOMA-based Cognitive Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Network(CISATN) with multiple primary users is studied, and accurate expressions for Outage Probability (OP) and ergodic capacity of the primary and secondary networks are derived. Asymptotic expressions for the OP and diversity order of these two networks are provided to obtain further insights. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical derivation is verified through numerical simulation, and the impact of key variables on system indicators is analyzed.
表 1 仿真参数
参数 数值 卫星 GEO ${f_{{\text{ab}}}}$ 2 GHz $\left( {{\vartheta _\zeta },\sigma _\zeta ^2} \right)$ (–3.125,1.591) $B$ 15 MHz ${\theta _{3{\text{dB}}}}$ 0.4° ${\varepsilon _{\max }}$ 48 dB ${\ell _{\max }}$ 4 dB $T$ 300K ${\sigma ^2}$ 1 Frequent Heavy Shadowing (FHS) (1,0.063,0.0007) Average Shadowing (AS) (5,0251,0.279) Infrequent Light Shadowing (ILS) (10,0.158,1.29) -
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