Robust Secure Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cognitive Backscatter Communication with Hardware Impairment
摘要: 为了提高反向散射通信网络频谱效率、传输鲁棒性及信息安全性,该文提出一种基于硬件损伤的认知反向散射通信网络鲁棒安全资源分配算法。首先,考虑认知反向散射用户的最小安全速率、传输时间、能量收集和反射系数等约束,基于有界信道不确定性和频谱感知误差模型,建立一个多变量耦合的吞吐量最大化非凸资源分配问题。其次,利用最坏准则、连续凸近似和交替优化方法,将原问题转换为凸优化问题,并提出一种基于迭代的鲁棒资源分配算法。仿真结果表明,与现有算法对比,所提算法具有较好的鲁棒性。Abstract: To improve spectral efficiency, transmission robustness, and information security of backscatter communication networks, a robust secure resource allocation algorithm is proposed for cognitive backscatter communication networks with hardware impairments. Firstly, considering the constraints of the minimum secure rate of each cognitive backscatter user, transmission time, energy harvesting, and reflection coefficients, a multivariable coupled resource allocation problem with throughput maximization is established under bounded channel uncertainties and spectrum sensing errors. Secondly, the original problem is transformed into a convex problem by using a worst-case approach, successive convex approximation, alternating optimization, and an iteration-based robust resource allocation algorithm is proposed to solve it. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has better robustness by comparing it with the existing algorithms.
表 1 频谱检测情况
授权频谱状态 授权频谱感知结果 条件感知概率 占用$ \left( O \right) $ 占用$ \left( {\tilde O} \right) $ ${\rho ^1} = \Pr \{ O|\tilde O\} = \dfrac{ {\left( {1 - {q^{ {\text{md} } } }} \right){q^{\text{o} } } }}{ { {q^{ {\text{fa} } } }\left( {1 - {q^{\text{o} } } } \right) + \left( {1 - {q^{ {\text{md} } } }} \right){q^{\text{o} } } }}$ 空闲$ \left( V \right) $ 占用$ \left( {\tilde O} \right) $ ${\rho ^2} = \Pr \{ V|\tilde O\} = \dfrac{ { {q^{ {\text{fa} } } }\left( {1 - {q^{\text{o} } } } \right)} }{ { {q^{ {\text{fa} } } }\left( {1 - {q^{\text{o} } } } \right) + \left( {1 - {q^{ {\text{md} } } }} \right){q^{\text{o} } } }}$ 占用$ \left( O \right) $ 空闲$ \left( {\tilde V} \right) $ ${\rho ^3} = \Pr \{ O|\tilde V\} = \dfrac{ { {q^{ {\text{md} } } }{q^{\text{o} } } }}{ {\left( {1 - {q^{ {\text{fa} } } }} \right)\left( {1 - {q^{\text{o} } } } \right) + {q^{ {\text{md} } } }{q^{\text{o} } } }}$ 空闲$ \left( V \right) $ 空闲$ \left( {\tilde V} \right) $ ${\rho ^4} = \Pr \{ V|\tilde V\} = \dfrac{ {\left( {1 - {q^{ {\text{fa} } } }} \right)\left( {1 - {q^{\text{o} } } } \right)} }{ {\left( {1 - {q^{ {\text{fa} } } }} \right)\left( {1 - {q^{\text{o} } } } \right) + {q^{ {\text{md} } } }{q^{\text{o} } } }}$ 算法1 基于迭代的鲁棒资源分配算法 初始化系统参数:$ {P_0} $, $ M $, $ K $, $ f_m^{\text{P}} $, $ {f_{\text{P}}} $, $ {f_k} $, $ {h_k} $, $ {g_k} $, $ {g_{k,m}} $, $ {f_{\text{E}}} $, $ I_{k,m}^{{\text{max}}} $, $ r_k^{{\text{B,min}}} $, $ r_k^{{\text{A,min}}} $, $ \sigma _{\text{U}}^2 $, $ \sigma _{\text{E}}^2 $, $ \kappa _k^{\text{F}} $, $ {\kappa _{\text{R}}} $, ${T_{\rm{A}}}$, ${T_{\rm{B}}}$, $P_k^{\text{C}}$, $p_k^{\text{C}}$, $ \delta _k^{\text{G}} $, $ {\delta _{\text{E}}} $, $ {q^{{\text{fa}}}} $,
$ {q^{{\text{md}}}} $, $ {q^{\text{o}}} $, $R_{{\text{sum}}}^{\left( 0 \right)}$;定义算法收敛精度$\eta > 0$和外层最大迭代次数${L_{\max }}$;初始化外层迭代次数$l = 0$;(1) while$|R_{ {\text{sum} } }^{\left( l \right)} - R_{ {\text{sum} } }^{\left( {l - 1} \right)}| \ge \eta$或$l \le {L_{\max } }$,do; (2) 定义迭代次数$l = l + 1$; (3) 给定${ \tau_k^{{\rm{B}}{\left( {l - 1} \right)} } }$和${\tau_k^{ {\text{A} }{\left( {l - 1} \right)} } }$的值,根据P4-1计算$ \beta _k^{(l)} $和$ p_k^{(l)} $; (4) 固定$ \beta _k^{(l)} $和$ p_k^{(l)} $,根据P4-2计算${\tau_k^{{\rm{B}}{\left( l \right)} } }$和${\tau_k^{{\text{A}} \left( l \right)} }$; (5) 更新吞吐量$R_{{\text{sum}}}^{\left( l \right)}$; (6) end while; (7) 输出$\tau _k^{\rm{B}}$, $ \tau _k^{\text{A}} $, $ {\beta _k} $, $ {p_k} $ -
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