Chaotic Power System Control Based on Improved Adaptive Synergetic Control Method
摘要: 针对4阶混沌电力系统,该文提出一种具有快速收敛特性的自适应协同控制方案。首先基于Lyapunov稳定性定理和全局快速收敛理论,设计了一种具有快速收敛特性的协同控制器,该控制器可使宏变量快速到达不变流形并可以得到平滑无抖振的控制输入,实现宏变量的精确收敛。然后将所设计的控制器应用于4阶电力系统的混沌控制中。由于电力系统中的能量过剩会引起混沌振荡,在控制回路中引入储能装置,通过控制储能装置吸收电力系统中多余的有功功率来抑制其混沌振荡。在此基础上通过设计自适应律,消除了控制器设计过程中出现的复杂项,增加了控制器的实用性。最后通过数值仿真,验证了该控制方案的有效性与优越性。Abstract: An adaptive cooperative control scheme with fast convergence characteristics is proposed for a four-dimensional chaotic power system. Firstly, based on the Lyapunov stability theorem and global fast convergence theory, a cooperative controller with fast convergence property is designed. The controller can make the macro variables reach the invariant manifold quickly and can obtain smooth and chatter-free control inputs to achieve the exact convergence of macro variables. The designed controller is then applied to the chaotic control of a four-dimensional power system. Since excess energy in the power system can cause chaotic oscillations, an energy storage device is introduced in the control loop. The chaotic oscillations are suppressed by making the energy storage device to absorb the excess active power in the power system. The complex terms that appear in the controller design process are eliminated through the adaptive law, so the practicality of the controller is increased. Finally, the effectiveness and superiority of the control method are verified by numerical simulation.
表 1 宏变量$ {\psi _1} $在3种控制方法下的收敛时间对比(s)
控制方案 宏变量${\psi _1}$的收敛时间 传统协同控制方案 1.25 固定时间协同控制方案 0.62 本文提出的控制方案 0.41 -
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