Multi-Scenario Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Framework Based on Visual Multi-Pathway Mechanism
摘要: 现有的红外与可见光图像融合算法往往将日间场景与夜间场景下的图像融合视为同一个问题,这种方式忽略了在日间场景与夜间场景下进行图像融合的差异性,使得算法融合性能受限。生物视觉系统强大的自适应特性能够在不同场景下最大限度地捕获输入视觉刺激中的有效信息,实现自适应的视觉信息处理,有可能为实现性能更为优异的红外与可见光图像融合算法带来新的思路启发。针对上述问题,该文提出一种视觉多通路机制启发的多场景感知红外与可见光图像融合框架。其中,受生物视觉多通路特性启发,该文框架中设计了分别感知日间场景信息与夜间场景信息的两条信息处理通路,源图像首先分别输入感知日间场景信息与感知夜间场景信息的融合网络得到两幅中间结果图像,而后再通过可学习的加权网络生成最终的融合图像。此外,该文设计了模拟生物视觉中广泛存在的中心-外周感受野结构的中心-外周卷积模块,并将其应用于所提出框架中。定性与定量实验结果表明,该文所提方法在主观上能够显著提升融合图像的图像质量,同时在客观评估指标上优于现有融合算法。
- 红外与可见光图像融合 /
- 类脑计算 /
- 多场景感知框架
Abstract: Most existing infrared and visible image fusion methods neglect the disparities between daytime and nighttime scenarios and consider them similar, leading to low accuracy. However, the adaptive properties of the biological vision system allow for the capture of helpful information from source images and adaptive visual information processing. This concept provides a new direction for improving the accuracy of the deep-learning-based infrared and visible image fusion methods. Inspired by the visual multi-pathway mechanism, this study proposes a multi-scenario aware infrared and visible image fusion framework to incorporate two distinct visual pathways capable of perceiving daytime and nighttime scenarios. Specifically, daytime- and nighttime-scenario-aware fusion networks process the source images to generate two intermediate fusion results. Finally, a learnable weighting network obtains the final result. Additionally, the proposed framework utilizes a novel center-surround convolution module that simulates the widely distributed center-surround receptive field in biological vision. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework improves significantly the quality of the fused image and outperforms existing methods in objective evaluation metrics. -
表 1 验证实验中各统计检验实验结果
条件 EN SF SD VIF AG 对于日间测试集:
(p = $\text{1.36×}{\text{10} }^{{-8} }$)是
(p = $ \text{2.59×}{\text{10}}^{{-16}} $)是
(p = $ \text{8.90×}{\text{10}}^{{-15}} $)是
(p = $ \text{2.24×}{\text{10}}^{{-5}} $)是
(p = $ \text{5.18×}{\text{10}}^{{-11}} $)对于混合测试集:
(p = $\text{2.19×}{\text{10} }^{{-30} }$)是
(p = $ \text{5.08×}{\text{10}}^{{-16}} $)是
(p = $ \text{1.34×}{\text{10}}^{{-23}} $)是
(p = $ \text{6.32×}{\text{10}}^{{-17}} $)是
(p = $ \text{4.17×}{\text{10}}^{{-15}} $)对于夜间测试集:
(p = $\text{2.57×}{\text{10} }^{{-27} }$)是
(p = 1.21$ \text{×}{\text{10}}^{{-2}} $)是
(p = $ \text{7.38×}{\text{10}}^{{-24}} $)是
(p = $ \text{1.81×}{\text{10}}^{{-20}} $)是
(p = $ \text{1.45×}{\text{10}}^{{-10}} $)表 2 MSRS数据集定量评估表
方法 EN SF SD VIF AG MI QAB/F SSIM MS-SSIM FMIpixel FMIw CSR 5.9478 0.0345 7.3181 0.7069 2.7030 2.3414 0.5776 0.9653 0.9433 0.9264 0.3167 GTF 5.4618 0.0314 6.3479 0.5936 2.3857 1.7041 0.3939 0.9085 0.8542 0.9119 0.3543 DenseFuse 6.6146 0.0246 8.4964 0.7482 2.3777 2.6214 0.3006 0.8931 0.9116 0.8881 0.2075 FusionGAN 5.6367 0.0192 6.3723 0.5908 1.7005 1.9360 0.1476 0.7984 0.6711 0.8914 0.2990 PMGI 6.4399 0.0350 8.1380 0.7187 3.2519 2.1371 0.4327 0.9259 0.8657 0.8867 0.3624 GANMcC 6.2789 0.0235 8.6547 0.6760 2.1591 2.5863 0.2825 0.8843 0.8525 0.8966 0.3402 RFN-Nest 6.6113 0.0275 8.4071 0.7692 2.5701 2.5292 0.4351 0.9254 0.9226 0.9048 0.2745 本文算法 7.0326 0.0480 9.2206 1.0310 4.0374 5.1835 0.6625 0.9490 0.9486 0.9202 0.3655 表 3 TNO数据集定量评估表
方法 EN SF SD VIF AG MI QAB/F SSIM MS-SSIM FMIpixel FMIw CSR 6.4881 0.0344 8.7811 0.6928 3.2025 2.0349 0.5284 0.9428 0.9037 0.9144 0.3837 GTF 6.8816 0.0354 9.5738 0.6228 3.2516 2.7606 0.4031 0.8766 0.8164 0.9042 0.4408 DenseFuse 6.9883 0.0222 9.4056 0.7895 2.5622 2.0975 0.2745 0.8432 0.8965 0.8928 0.1998 FusionGAN 6.6321 0.0244 0.8378 0.6583 2.3133 2.3870 0.2328 0.8106 0.7474 0.8855 0.3907 PMGI 7.0744 0.0323 9.6515 0.8759 3.3519 2.3885 0.4108 0.9305 0.9030 0.9009 0.3992 GANMcC 6.7865 0.0231 9.1537 0.7147 2.4184 2.3224 0.2795 0.8803 0.8623 0.8983 0.3885 RFN-Nest 7.0418 0.0218 9.4329 0.8349 2.5176 2.1621 0.3326 0.8757 0.9091 0.9021 0.3003 本文算法 6.8975 0.0402 9.3660 0.9146 3.9126 3.6862 0.5627 0.8994 0.8479 0.9110 0.3936 表 4 消融实验结果表
方法 EN SF SD VIF AG MI QAB/F SSIM MS-SSIM FMIpixel FMIw 无CS Conv 6.6527 0.0414 8.4249 1.0352 3.3969 4.3652 0.6180 0.9409 0.9451 0.9305 0.3542 仅日间模型 7.0237 0.0474 9.2902 1.0369 4.0746 4.9832 0.6624 0.9681 0.9607 0.9193 0.3626 仅夜间模型 6.9472 0.0479 9.0583 0.9733 4.1572 4.7346 0.6895 0.9112 0.9221 0.9173 0.3631 本文算法 7.0326 0.0480 9.2206 1.0310 4.0374 5.1835 0.6625 0.9490 0.9486 0.9202 0.3655 表 5 权重图分析实验结果
条件 最小单幅占比(%) 最大单幅占比(%) 平均单幅占比(%) 统计检验P值 对于日间测试集图像:
日间结果权重图大于等于夜间结果权重图94.54 98.52 96.07 $ \text{4.16×}{\text{10}}^{{-101}} $ 对于夜间测试集图像:
夜间结果权重图大于等于日间结果权重图40.84 84.17 55.37 $ \text{7.74×}{\text{10}}^{{-8}} $ -
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