Design of Biological-inspired Low-light Video Adaptive Enhancement and FPGA Accelerated Implementation
摘要: 该文基于现场可编程门阵列实现了受生物视觉机制启发的夜间图像增强模型,实时高效地对夜间低照度视频图像进行自适应增强。受初级视觉系统中大小细胞通路启发,该文采取独立的两条通路分别处理结构与细节信息,获得了较好的处理效果与处理效率。为了实现对高清视频的实时增强,基于现场可编程门阵列对该文算法进行了加速实现。通过滑动数据窗并行处理、相邻帧信息共享、多通道并行化等硬件设计保证高数据吞吐量。该设计在 XC7Z100现场可编程门阵列上达到对1080P@60 Hz彩色视频增强的实时性要求。与本领域已有设计相比,该文设计具有更高的数据吞吐量,适用于高分辨率实时图像增强应用。Abstract: A nighttime image enhancement model is proposed in this paper, which is inspired by biological vision mechanism and implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) for real-time enhancement of low-light videos and images. Inspired by the Midget cells and the Parasol cells in the early visual system, the proposed method processes the structure and detail information through two independent pathways respectively, and obtains a nice effect and efficiency. To achieve real-time enhancement of high-resolution videos, this paper implements the proposed method on Field Programmable Gate Arrays. High data throughput is ensured through hardware design such as sliding data window parallel processing, adjacent frame information sharing, and multi-channel parallelization. Implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays XC7Z100, the proposed design achieves processing 60 frames per second for 1024 × 768 RGB images. Compared with existing designs in this field, the proposed design has higher data throughput and is suitable for high-resolution real-time image enhancement applications.
图 1 Yang等人[4]夜间图像增强模型的算法原理框架
图 3 本文结果与文献[4]结果的比较
表 1 本文方法在LOL[10]图像库真实图像集上的测试结果
表 2 本文方法在SCIE[30]图像库真实图像集上的测试结果
表 3 夜间图像增强模型的FPGA实现的资源使用情况
资源 使用情况 使用率(%) 查找表 56673 20 查找表随机存取存储器 40604 38 块随机存取存储器 38 5 数字信号处理单元 7 1 输入和输出单元 108 30 区域时钟缓冲器 10 31 混合模式时钟管理器 4 50 锁相环 1 13 -
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