A Privacy Protection Scheme Based on Attribute Encryption in Mobile Social Networks
摘要: 为了保护用户在移动社交网络中的个人信息和交友偏好等隐私,该文提出支持外包解密的基于密文策略的属性基加密(CP-ABE)方案。在该方案中,将用户的交友偏好和自我描述分别生成属性列表,通过将交友偏好转换为密文控制策略,自我描述转化为属性密钥来隐藏属性,从而实现隐私保护。该方案提出了先匹配后解密的算法机制:社交平台对用户信息进行匹配验证,当满足相应的匹配条件时,该算法将计算量较大的双线性对运算外包给交友中心,之后用户再对密文解密。通过快速排除不匹配用户,避免了无效解密。外包解密在保护信息的同时,减少了移动设备的计算负担和通信开销。安全性分析表明,该方案是安全有效的,此外性能评估显示所提方案在计算和通信开销方面是高效且实用的。Abstract: In order to protect the privacy of
${\rm{users}}' $ personal information and friend preferences in social networks, a Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) scheme that supports outsourced decryption is proposed. In this scheme, attribute lists are generated for the${\rm{users}}' $ dating preference and self-description respectively, and attributes are hidden by converting the dating preference into ciphertext control policy and self-description into attribute key, thus realizing privacy protection. The proposed algorithm mechanism matches${\rm{users}}' $ information and then decrypts it.${\rm{Users}}' $ information is matched and verified by social platform. When the corresponding matching conditions are met, the algorithm outsources the computationally expensive bilinear pairing operation to the dating center. The user then decrypts the ciphertext. Invalid decryption is avoided by quickly eliminating mismatched users. Outsourced decryption reduces the computational burden and communication overhead of mobile devices while protecting information. Security analysis shows that the scheme is safe and effective, furthermore, performance evaluation shows that the proposed scheme is efficient and practical in terms of computational and communication overhead. -
表 1 数据请求者的自我描述列表
列表名 用户名 年龄 性别 血型 职业 住址 爱好 ${S_{{\text{Bob}}}}$ Bob 26 男 AB 教师 北京 音乐、旅游、打羽毛球······ ${S_{{\text{Ada}}}}$ Ada 22 女 O 空姐 上海 游泳、瑜伽、音乐、电影······ ${S_{{\text{Leo}}}}$ Leo 35 男 B 警察 深圳 跑步、健身、做饭、画画······ 表 2 通信量分析
方案 系统公钥 系统主密钥 用户密钥 加密密文 文献[11] $ 9\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| H \right| $ $ \left| G \right| + 4\left| {{Z_p}} \right| $ $ (2 + 5u)\left| G \right| $ $ (6l + 1)\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| {({\mathbf{M}},\rho )} \right| $ 文献[12] $ (2 + N)\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| $ $ \left| G \right| $ $ (2 + u)\left| G \right| $ $ (l + 1)\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| {({\mathbf{M}},\rho )} \right| $ 文献[16] $ (5 + N)\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| $ $ (1 + N)\left| {{Z_p}} \right| $ $ 2\left| G \right| $ $ 5\left| G \right| + 2\left| {{G_1}} \right| $ 本文 $ (2 + N)\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| $ $ 3\left| G \right| $ $ (3 + u)\left| G \right| $ $ (2l + 1)\left| G \right| + \left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| {({\mathbf{M}},\rho )} \right| $ 表 3 计算量分析
方案 密钥生成 数据加密 数据解密 文献[11] $(u + 2){ {T_{\rm e}} } + { {T_{\rm m}} }$ $(8l + 2){ {T_{\rm e}} } + (l + 3){ {T_{\rm m}} }$ $ u{T_{\rm e}} + (6u + 1){T_{\rm p}} + (5u + 1){T_{\rm m}} $ 文献[12] $(u + 2){{T_{\rm e}} }$ $ (2l + 2){T_{\rm e}} + (l + 1){T_{\rm m}} $ $ u{T_{\rm e}} + (2u + 1){T_{\rm p}} + (u + 2){T_{\rm m}} $ 文献[16] $(5u + 3){ {T_{\rm e}} } + 4{ {T_{\rm m}} }$ $(2l + 6){T_{\rm e} } + (2l + 4){T_{\rm m} } + 2{T_{\rm{h}}}$ $ 8{T_{\rm p}} + 8{T_{\rm m}} $ 本文 $(u + 3){ {T_{\rm e}} }$ $ (3l + 2){T_{\rm e}} + (l + 1){T_{\rm m}} $ $ {T_{\rm e}} + {T_{\rm p}} $ -
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