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张学旺 林金朝 黎志鸿 姚亚宁

张学旺, 林金朝, 黎志鸿, 姚亚宁. 基于新型公平盲签名和属性基加密的食用农产品溯源方案[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2023, 45(3): 836-846. doi: 10.11999/JEIT221077
引用本文: 张学旺, 林金朝, 黎志鸿, 姚亚宁. 基于新型公平盲签名和属性基加密的食用农产品溯源方案[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2023, 45(3): 836-846. doi: 10.11999/JEIT221077
ZHANG Xuewang, LIN Jinzhao, LI Zhihong, YAO Yaning. Traceability Scheme of Edible Agricultural Products Based on Novel Fair Blind Signature and Attribute-based Encryption[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2023, 45(3): 836-846. doi: 10.11999/JEIT221077
Citation: ZHANG Xuewang, LIN Jinzhao, LI Zhihong, YAO Yaning. Traceability Scheme of Edible Agricultural Products Based on Novel Fair Blind Signature and Attribute-based Encryption[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2023, 45(3): 836-846. doi: 10.11999/JEIT221077


doi: 10.11999/JEIT221077
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金联合重点项目(U21A20447),南充市科技计划(21YFZJ0033)






    张学旺 zhangxw@cqupt.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN918.4; TP309

Traceability Scheme of Edible Agricultural Products Based on Novel Fair Blind Signature and Attribute-based Encryption

Funds: The Natural Science Foundation Key Project of China (U21A20447), The Science and Technology Program of Nanchong (21YFZJ0033)
  • 摘要: 为解决食用农产品溯源中存在的身份隐私易泄露、难监管以及溯源数据共享困难等问题,该文提出一种基于新型公平盲签名和属性基加密的食用农产品溯源方案。该方案在联盟链授权访问、不可篡改特性的基础上,结合椭圆曲线和零知识证明提出一种新型公平盲签名方法,实现了食用农产品数据上传者身份条件匿名并通过双重ID机制避免了签名方陷害问题;方案同时采用Asmuth-Bloom门限改进的属性基加密结合智能合约技术实现了权限分层的食用农产品溯源数据秘密共享。各项分析及实验结果表明,该方案具备良好的安全性和功能性。
  • 图  1  农作物全产业链

    图  2  方案模型

    图  3  溯源数据共享

    图  4  密钥存储损耗

    图  5  效率对比

    图  6  溯源效率对比

    表  1  主要术语

    TDOTraceability Data Owner, 溯源数据拥有者
    TDVTraceability Data Visitor, 溯源数据访问者
    AOAuthorized Organization, 授权组织机构
    CBConsortium Blockchain, 联盟链
    KGCKey Generation Center, 密钥生成中心
    IPFSInter Planetary File System, 星际文件系统
    TPRThird Party Regulator, 第三方监管机构
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    算法1 Asmuth-Bloom秘密分割
     输入:m, n, S, MK
     输出:$ \{ {K_1},{K_2}, \cdots ,{K_n}\} $
     (1)选择素数$ {p} > {\text{MK}} $
     (2)根据2.3节步骤2中条件,选取$ n $个小于$ p $的数$ \{ {d_1},{d_2}, \cdots ,{d_n}\} $
     (3)使用$ \{ {d_1},{d_2}, \cdots ,{d_n}\} $计算${d_{{\rm{mult}}} } = \prod\nolimits_{ {i} = 1}^{m} { {d_i} }$
     (4)对${\text{MK} }$进行处理得到$ {K} ' = {\text{M}}K + {rp} $
     (5)for $ i $ 1 to $ n $ by 1 do
     (6) $ {K_i} = K'\bmod {d_i} $
     (7)end for
     (8)return $ \{ {K_1},{K_2}, \cdots ,{K_n}\} $
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    表  2  交易基本结构

    data${H} ({H} ({M} ')||{\rm{CT}}||{\text{I} }{ {\text{D} }_{ {\text{TPR} } } })$, $ H(M') $和${\rm{CT}}$
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    算法2 对称密码算法的密钥K恢复
     输入:SK, $ p $, $ r $
     (1) 客户端通过KGC解密SK后从SK中获取集合
     $ \{ {K_1},{K_2}, \cdots ,{K_m}\} $及集合$ \{ {d_1},{d_2}, \cdots ,{d_m}\} $;
     (2)使用$ \{ {d_1},{d_2}, \cdots ,{d_m}\} $计算${d_{{\rm{mult}}} } = \prod\nolimits_{ {i} = 1}^{m} { {d_i} }$;
     (3)根据中国剩余定理,求出下列同余方程组在模${ {d} _{{\rm{mult}}} }$下的唯一
     解$ K' $
            $\left. \begin{gathered} X \equiv {K_1}({\rm{mod}} {d_1}) \\ X \equiv {K_2}({\rm{mod}} {d_2}) \\ \qquad\quad \cdots \\ X \equiv {K_m}({\rm{mod}} {d_m}) \\ \end{gathered} \right\}$          (6)
     求得:$ X = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^m {{K_i}{D_i}{D_i}^{ - 1}} $,其中${D_i} = { { {d_{{\rm{mult}}} } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom { { {d_{mult} } } { {d_i} } } } \right. } { {d_i} } }$;
     ${K} ' = {X} \bmod {d_{{\rm{mult}}} }$
     (4)使用$ K' $,$ p $,$ r $计算$ {K} = {K} ' - {rp} $
     (5)return $ K $
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    表  3  Trace合约业务设计

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    算法3 存贮TraceData函数
     func (t *SimpleChaincode) saveTraceData(stub
     shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
        hash3 := args[0]
        hash1 := args[1]
        ct := args[2]
        dataAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(hash3)
        if err != nil {
           return shim.Error(“获取数据失败:” + err.Error())}
        else if dataAsBytes != nil {
           return shim.Error(“该记录已存在: ” + hash3)}
        data := &data{hash3, hash1, ct}
        dataJSONasBytes, err := json.Marshal(data)
        if err != nil {return shim.Error(err.Error())}
        err = stub.PutState(hash3, dataJSONasBytes)
        if err != nil {return shim.Error(err.Error())}
        return shim.Success(nil)}
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    算法4 获取TraceData函数
     func (t *SimpleChaincode) getTraceData(stub
     shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
        var hash3, jsonResp string
        var err error
        if len(args) != 1 {return shim.Error("请输入hash3")}
        hash3 = args[0]
        valAsbytes, err := stub.GetState(hash3)
        if err != nil {
          jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"获取数据信息失败"\"}"
          return shim.Error(jsonResp)}
        else if valAsbytes == nil {
          jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"未查找到该数据信息"\"}"
          return shim.Error(jsonResp)}
        return shim.Success(valAsbytes)}
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    表  4  功能对比分析

    方案 存储方式存储技术数据共享方式数据加密身份匿名保护
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    表  5  效率测试

    1122048bit RSA公平盲签名3.60876.93960.59777.13818.284
    112224 bit 新型公平盲签名0.02330.37070.036325.882726.313
    1283072 bit RSA公平盲签名11.237522.10610.938222.022856.3046
    128256 bit 新型公平盲签名0.03540.35460.049126.762527.2016
    1927680 bit RSA公平盲签名155.6723309.30413.6179317.4969786.0912
    192384 bit 新型公平盲签名0.05990.38120.046428.19228.6795
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