Passive WiFi Internet of Things Backscatter Communication Based on Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting
摘要: 为解决传统的物联网(IoT)通信设备功耗大、需要人工定期维护、频繁更换电池等问题,该文提出一种基于电磁波能量收集的无源WiFi物联网散射通信方法。该方法基于低功耗微处理器实现WiFi反向散射通信,同时利用自身收集的电磁波能量实现系统自供电,具有功耗低、无需电池、体积小、成本低、免人工维护、容易大量部署等诸多优势,可广泛用于物联网领域。Abstract: To solve the problems of high power consumption, requiring manual maintenance and frequent battery replacement of traditional Internet of Things (IoT) communication device, a passive WiFi IoT backscattering communication method based on electromagnetic wave energy harvesting is proposed. The device is implemented based on a low-power microprocessor platform. It can use the electromagnetic wave energy collected by itself to achieve ultra-low-power WiFi scattering communication, having advantages of low power consumption, no batteries, small size, low production cost, and no manual maintenance. It can be widely used in IoT applications.
表 1 散射通信技术性能对比
散射通信技术 样机供电 样机处理器 通信功耗 通信速率 通信距离(m) 2016 Passive WiFi [10] 市电 ASIC/FPGA 15~59 μW(仿真) 1~11 Mbit/s 9~30 2017 BLE Backscatter[15] 纽扣电池 MCU 623 μA(样机) 1 Mbit/s 13~30 2020 PV-RFID[21] 无源 EM4325 10~45 μW(样机) 64~320 kbit/s 4 2021 RBLE[16] 市电 ASIC/FPGA 37 μW(仿真) 17.4 kbit/s 56 2022 TD FM[22] 纽扣电池 MCU 150 μW(样机) 1 kbit/s 20 本文 无源 MCU 700 μA(样机) 1 Mbit/s 15 -
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