Research on Wired and Wireless Time Slots Converged Scheduling Scheme for Satellite Formation Flying
摘要: 针对卫星编队飞行场景中星内有线和星间无线链路传输速率以及调度机制的差异性引起的时敏任务在星上转发时延不确定性的问题,该文提出一种有线无线融合的时隙调度方案。首先,分别构建星间无线链路传输速率、星间无线调度以及星内有线调度模型;其次,联合有线和无线链路传输速率以及二者时隙位置关系,建立有线无线融合调度与星上转发时延关联分析模型;最后,为确保时敏业务每次在星上传输的时延稳定性,在时延分析模型基础上以抖动最小为融合调度优化目标,并采用遗传禁忌搜索算法进行求解。仿真结果表明,相比于非融合调度方案,所提融合调度方案的抖动不高于40 μs,转发时延平均降低了20%。Abstract: Considering the uncertainty of the forwarding delay of time sensitive missions on the satellite caused by the difference of the transmission rate and scheduling mechanism between the intra-satellite wired and inter-satellite wireless link in the satellite formation flying scenario, a wired and wireless converged time slot scheduling scheme is proposed. Firstly, the inter-satellite wireless link transmission rate, inter-satellite wireless scheduling and intra-satellite wired scheduling are constructed respectively. Secondly, the forwarding delay analysis model of the wired and wireless converged scheduling on the satellite is established by considering the transmission rate and the time slot position relationship between the wired and wireless link. Finally, to ensure the stability of delay when the time sensitive traffic is transmitted on the satellite each time, the converged scheduling optimization goal with the minimum jitter is constructed based on the delay analysis model, and the genetic tabu search algorithm is introduced to solve the problem. Simulation results indicate that, compared with the non-converged scheduling scheme, the jitter of the proposed converged scheduling scheme is not higher than 40 μs, and the forwarding delay is reduced by an average of 20%.
算法1 基于遗传禁忌搜索的融合调度算法(GTS-CSA) 输入:所有流fi的5元组信息,卫星编队拓扑信息,迭代次数Q 输出:平均抖动,有线时隙调度集合O,无线时隙调度集合R (1) 计算TDMA超帧长度H=lcm{T1, T2,···,TN}; (2) 计算流fi在一个TDMA超帧内的子周期数目Mi; (3) 计算流fi在第m个子周期内需要的时隙个数si,m; (4) 按照转发时延要求由高到低对流fi进行排序; (5) FOR EACH ${{\boldsymbol{f}}_i} \in F$ DO (6) 采用贪婪算法计算初始解; (7) WHILE q ≤Q DO (8) 锦标赛选择算法; (9) 两点交叉算法; (10) 基于禁忌搜索的变异算法; (11) q=q+1; (12) END WHILE (13) END FOR 表 1 仿真参数设置
参数 值 编队中卫星的数目 10颗 卫星轨道高度 900 km 平均SNR 22.4 dB 每颗卫星内部终端数目 5~8台 时敏业务流数目 1~20条 有线链路传输速率 100 Mbit/s 无线链路传输速率 10~15 Mbit/s 单位无线时隙长度 500 μs 时敏业务发送周期取值范围 8~60 ms 时敏业务数据量大小取值范围 1~12 kbit 非时敏业务数据量大小取值范围 1~20 Mbit -
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