Automatic Modulation Recognition Based on Single-channel Multi-scale Graph Neural Network
摘要: 针对自适应可见性图(AVG)算法复杂度过高且精度提升不明显的缺点,该文提出一种基于单通道多尺度图神经网络(SMGNN)的自动调制识别(AMR)框架,并对框架各个部分进行了可解释性研究。首先利用多层感知机和1维卷积自适应地实现了单通道信号序列和图之间的映射,有效降低了AVG算法的复杂度;其次,设计了一种多尺度图神经网络,将不同分辨率的特征进行融合,提升了模型识别准确率。实验表明,该文提出的SMGNN算法相比于AVG算法节省了近1/2的参数量,且识别精度得到了较大的提升。Abstract: Considering the shortcomings of the Adaptive Visibility Graph (AVG) algorithm being too complex and the accuracy improvement is not significant, an Automatic Modulation Recognition(AMR) framework based on Single-channel Multi-scale Graph Neural Network (SMGNN) is proposed and interpretability studies are conducted on the various parts of the framework. Firstly, the multi-layer perceptron and one-dimensional convolutional adaptive are used to realize the mapping between single-channel signal sequences and graphs, which reduces effectively the complexity of AVG algorithms. Secondly, a multi-scale graph neural network is designed to fuse the features of different resolutions, which improves the accuracy of model recognition. Experiments show that the SMGNN algorithm proposed in this paper saves nearly half of the parameter amount compared with the AVG algorithm, and the recognition accuracy has been greatly improved.
表 1 数据集RadioML2016.10b的参数设置
参数 定义值 采样速率(kHz) 200 信噪比(dB) –20~18,间隔为2 数据格式 IQ数据格式:2×128 信号数量 1 200 000 表 2 不同算法对数据集RML2016.10b的识别性能
算法 识别精度(%) 参数量 平均推理时间(s) CNN2D 55.41 2706954 0.0192 RESNET 63.95 191946 0.0053 LSTM 63.72 197642 0.0064 MCLDNN 64.45 403722 0.0160 AVGNET 64.61 2311984 0.0310 SMGNN 65.36 1246720 0.0176 表 3 消融实验识别性能
算法 识别精度(%) 参数量 平均推理时间(s) SMGNNo(单通道单尺度) 64.82 1156352 0.0165 SMGNNs(48维节点特征) 64.81 712976 0.0165 SMGNNs(32维节点特征) 64.67 327712 0.0154 SMGNNs(16维节点特征) 64.48 90928 0.0149 -
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