Outage Performance of Commensal Symbiotic Radio Based on Energy Harvesting
摘要: 该文研究了基于能量收集的互惠共生无线电主、次系统的中断性能。首先,在考虑次用户能量因果约束的基础上给出了主、次系统解码信噪比,并定义了主、次系统的中断概率。在此基础上,推导得到瑞利信道衰落模型下主、次系统的中断概率封闭表达式,进而刻画了主、次系统的分集增益,其结果表明,次用户的接入可以给主系统带来有益的分集增益,即主系统的分集增益由1提升至2。最后,通过仿真验证了理论分析的正确性,并研究了不同系统参数对主、次系统中断概率的影响。Abstract: The outage performance of the primary and secondary systems in a commensal symbiotic radio network with energy harvesting is investigated. First, on the basis of the energy-causality constraint of the secondary user, the signal-to-noise ratios to decode the primary and secondary systems are given, and the outage probabilities of primary and secondary systems are defined. Based on this, closed-form expressions for the outage probability of the primary and secondary systems under the Rayleigh channel fading model are derived, and then the diversity gain of the primary and secondary systems are obtained. It is shown that the access of the secondary users can bring beneficial diversity gain to the primary system, i.e., the diversity gain of the primary system is increased from 1 to 2. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified by simulations, and the effects of different system parameters on the primary and secondary system outage probabilities are investigated.
表 1 仿真参数设置
参数名称 参数符号 数值 路径损耗 $v$ 2.7 扩频因子 $N$ 128 PT到CR的距离(m) ${d_{{\text{TR}}}}$ 150 PT到ST的距离(m) ${d_{{\text{TS}}}}$ 10 ST到CR的距离(m) ${d_{{\text{SR}}}}$ 150 高斯白噪声功率(dBm/Hz) ${\sigma ^2}$ –160 反射系数 $\beta $ 0.4 -
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