Imbalanced Classification Based on Weighted Regularization Collaborative Representation
摘要: 协同表示分类器及其变种在模式识别领域展现出优越的识别性能。然而,其成功很大程度上依赖于类别的平衡分布,高度非均衡的类别分布可能会严重影响其有效性。为弥补这一不足,该文把补子空间诱导的正则项引入到协同表示模型框架,使得改进后的正则化模型更具判别性。进一步,为提高非均衡数据集上少数类的识别准确率,根据每类训练样本的表示能力提出一种基于最近子空间的类权学习算法。该算法根据原始数据的先验信息自适应地获取每类的权重并且能够赋予少数类更大的权重,使得最终的分类结果对少数类更加公平。所提模型具有闭式解,这展示了该方法的计算效率。在权威公开的两类和多类非均衡数据集上的实验结果表明所提方法显著优于其他主流非均衡分类算法。Abstract: Collaborative representation based classifier and its variants exhibit superior recognition performance in the field of pattern recognition. However, their success relies greatly on the balanced distribution of classes, and a highly imbalanced class distribution may seriously affect their effectiveness. To make up for this defect, this paper introduces the regularization term induced by the complemented subspace into the framework of collaborative representation model, which makes the improved regularization model more discriminative. Furthermore, in order to improve the recognition accuracy of the minority classes on imbalanced datasets, a class weight learning algorithm based on the nearest subspace is proposed according to the representation ability of each class of training samples. The algorithm obtains adaptively the weight of each class and can assign greater weights to the minority classes, so that the final classification results are more fair to the minority classes. The proposed model has a closed-form solution, which demonstrates its computational efficiency. Experimental results on authoritative public binary-class and multi-class imbalanced datasets show that the proposed method outperforms significantly other mainstream imbalanced classification algorithms.
表 1 16个非均衡数据集的详细信息
数据集 类别 样本总数 维度 类别分布 不平衡率 Wine 3 178 13 59: 71: 48 1.48 Glass5 2 214 9 9: 205 22.78 Glass6 2 214 9 29: 185 6.38 Newthyroid1 2 215 5 35: 180 5.14 Newthyroid 3 215 5 150: 35: 30 5.00 Ecoli3 2 336 7 35: 301 8.60 Ecoli 8 336 7 143: 77: 2: 2: 35: 20:5:52 71.51 Dermatology 6 366 33 111: 60: 71: 48: 48: 20 5.55 Penbased 10 1100 16 115: 114: 114: 106: 114: 106: 105: 115: 105: 106 1.10 Shuttle0 2 1829 9 123: 1706 13.87 Ecoli0vs1 2 220 7 77: 143 1.86 Balance-scale 3 625 4 49: 288: 288 5.88 ShuttleC0vsC4 2 1829 9 123: 1706 13.86 Glass4 2 214 9 13: 201 15.46 Glass 3 163 4 70: 76: 17 4.47 Glass016vs2 2 192 9 17: 175 10.29 表 2 不同方法在Glass5数据集上的运行时间 (s)
NSC CRC CCRC WRCR 运行时间 (s) 3.19 × 10–3 4.72 × 10–3 7.35 × 10–3 8.07 × 10–3 表 3 WRCR与经典非均衡算法在16个数据集上的F-measure (%) 值对比
数据集 ADASYN SMOTEENN WELM RUS SMOTE MWMOTE EasyEnsemble WRCR Wine 89.01 87.12 88.63 89.05 89.03 89.82 89.51 100.00 Glass5 77.44 77.86 64.31 87.15 68.72 79.22 88.42 100.00 Glass6 88.61 89.23 82.72 82.51 83.14 83.52 85.42 90.04 Newthyroid1 97.52 97.93 97.05 94.52 95.46 92.17 94.34 100.00 Newthyroid 92.55 92.61 90.44 93.26 91.72 92.81 93.22 94.77 Ecoli3 87.61 86.63 88.62 84.13 87.46 81.13 88.22 98.35 Ecoli 29.91 38.92 30.14 35.32 33.90 34.82 27.14 53.10 Dermatology 92.81 89.91 91.33 92.37 92.24 92.11 78.72 96.25 Penbased 95.63 97.52 97.85 97.31 98.40 95.82 90.52 98.40 Shuttle0 88.42 84.62 97.41 80.43 82.72 81.32 89.41 97.87 Ecoli0vs1 95.72 94.17 98.51 91.34 94.69 96.56 97.75 100.00 Balance-scale 54.26 52.47 51.38 47.59 50.58 54.63 55.76 61.70 ShuttleC0vsC4 93.96 89.35 96.47 91.25 85.19 93.42 81.38 97.89 Glass4 90.33 93.66 91.34 92.48 90.33 94.16 94.42 96.18 Glass 48.59 51.36 54.81 48.75 49.65 50.23 51.48 56.06 Glass016vs2 58.11 59.19 83.77 62.47 61.36 69.82 66.78 84.09 表 4 WRCR与经典非均衡算法在16个数据集上的G-mean (%) 值对比
数据集 ADASYN SMOTEENN WELM RUS SMOTE MWMOTE EasyEnsemble WRCR Wine 84.11 80.63 94.51 83.15 83.41 84.53 88.62 100.00 Glass5 88.13 90.52 88.92 91.24 87.52 89.74 88.64 100.00 Glass6 88.64 89.22 82.73 82.53 83.16 83.01 85.41 83.33 Newthyroid1 95.65 98.23 97.44 96.82 95.07 94.42 94.33 100.00 Newthyroid 90.53 90.42 89.91 87.23 91.74 92.43 89.14 93.63 Ecoli3 83.02 82.51 84.83 82.32 84.23 82.83 84.63 87.49 Ecoli 62.31 46.54 38.92 36.74 60.05 60.22 33.86 50.07 Dermatology 87.32 81.43 87.25 76.13 86.34 89.73 74.14 93.98 Penbased 91.83 95.52 95.36 91.51 94.34 93.15 87.92 97.18 Shuttle0 87.61 97.21 97.41 97.65 84.81 85.20 92.41 97.87 Ecoli0vs1 91.54 90.34 98.55 89.23 91.38 94.76 94.84 100.00 Balance-scale 52.83 54.37 50.65 48.98 54.76 52.42 55.78 61.68 ShuttleC0vsC4 92.51 86.76 92.36 90.18 83.57 91.83 87.38 97.87 Glass4 54.47 51.85 61.18 53.32 52.49 57.39 59.42 66.66 Glass 42.36 40.46 39.47 36.53 39.76 38.76 41.04 44.01 Glass016vs2 45.48 47.69 47.89 45.83 49.67 51.28 53.89 66.66 表 5 WRCR与先进非均衡算法的G-mean (%) 值对比
数据集 GDO VW-ELM GEP GMBSCL GSE WRCR Glass5 84.10 97.51 95.85 91.50 – 100.00 Newthyroid1 89.99 99.52 97.33 – – 100.00 Ecoli0vs1 95.16 98.64 98.32 98.31 97.58 100.00 Ecoli3 88.67 91.20 92.57 – 88.53 98.35 -
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