3D Parameters Estimation of Helicopter with Constant Speed Using Single Hydrophone
摘要: 针对空中匀速飞行运动目标所激发的水声信号特征,该文将传统的2维平面内估计目标飞行高度、速度等参数的问题扩展到3维空间,可以求解飞行时偏航距离,更符合实际情况,解决了空中快速飞行目标状态3维参数估计问题。该文首先以直升机离散线谱为特征声源,建立其在空气-水两层介质中声学多普勒的3维传播模型,考虑了目标的飞行速度、高度和偏离水听器的偏航距离。然后根据多普勒频移曲线及其1阶、2阶导数的不对称性,推导出水下探空应用中飞行器的3维参数估计方法。最后,通过分析单水听器接收的实测信号,验证了文章构建3维空间多普勒频移飞行参数估计模型的合理性及APP-LMS算法相较于短时傅里叶瞬时频率估计算法能够更准确反演直升机的航行参数。Abstract: The three-dimensional parameter estimation algorithm of the helicopter with constant speed flight from the underwater acoustic data with single hydrophone, which extended the traditional two-dimension flight parameters estimation is proposed. Firstly, the helicopter line spectrum is used as the exciting sound source, and its three-dimensional Doppler propagation model in two-layer air-water medium, including altitude, speed and deviation distance of the helicopter, is established. The asymmetry of the Doppler frequency curve and its first- and second-order derivatives is related with the three-dimensional motion parameter of the helicopter, which can be estimated from the received data. Finally, with the measured data, the rationality of the three-dimensional Doppler shift flight model is verified and the result is compared with short-time Fourier instantaneous frequency estimation algorithm, APP-LMS algorithm can more accurately retrieve the flight parameters such as natural frequency, velocity, altitude and yaw distance of the helicopter.
表 1 各参数在穿过CPA点前后的变化规律
位置 从负无穷至CPA CPA 从CPA至正无穷 $ t $(s) $ - \infty \to 0 $ 0 $ 0 \to + \infty $ $ \alpha \left( t \right) $(s) $ 0 \to {{\pi} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\pi} 2}} \right. } 2} $ $ {{\pi} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\pi} 2}} \right. } 2} $ $ {{\pi} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\pi} 2}} \right. } 2} \to {\pi} $ $ {\theta _{\text{I}}}\left( t \right) $(s) $ \arcsin {\text{n}} \to \dfrac{{\pi}}{{\text{2}}} - \arctan \dfrac{h}{{{w_{{\text{amin}}}}}} $ $ \dfrac{{\pi}}{2} - \arctan \dfrac{h}{{{w_{{\text{amin}}}}}} $ $\dfrac{ {\pi} }{2} - \arctan \dfrac{h}{ { {w_{ {\text{amin} } } } } } \to \arcsin {{n} }$ $ {\theta _{\text{T}}}\left( t \right) $(s) $ \dfrac{{\pi}}{2} \to \dfrac{{\pi}}{2} - \arctan \dfrac{d}{{{w_{{\text{wmin}}}}}} $ $ \dfrac{{\pi}}{2} - \arctan \dfrac{d}{{{w_{{\text{wmin}}}}}} $ $ \dfrac{{\pi}}{2} - \arctan \dfrac{d}{{{w_{{\text{wmin}}}}}} \to \dfrac{{\pi}}{2} $ -
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