Survey of Differential Chaotic Communications: Signal Design and Performance Optimization
摘要: 作为一种低复杂度的非相干信息传输方案,差分混沌通信系统以其良好的抗多径衰落性能而受到广泛关注。近年来,研究者围绕着以差分混沌移位键控(DCSK)为代表的差分混沌通信开展了一系列富有成效的研究,逐渐发展了差分混沌通信的信号设计与性能优化方法。为此,该文从信号帧结构设计、正交多级信号设计、信号星座图设计和多载波信号设计4个层面详细综述了差分混沌通信信号设计的主要研究进展。此外,该文重点总结了面向差分混沌通信的噪声抑制辅助性能优化、索引调制辅助性能优化和混沌成形滤波辅助性能优化等方面的研究工作。Abstract: As a kind of low-complexity and non-coherent information transmission schemes, the differential chaotic communication system has been widely studied because of its good performance against multipath fading. Recently, a series of fruitful researches on Differential Chaos Shift Keying (DCSK) have been carried out, and the signal design and performance optimization for differential chaotic communications have also been developed. Therefore, the main research progresses in signal design of differential chaotic communications are surveyed in detail in the paper from the following four perspectives: design of signal frames, design of orthogonal multilevel signals, design of constellation diagrams and design of multicarrier signals. In addition, the research works on noise suppression aided performance optimization, index modulation aided performance optimization and chaotic shape forming aided performance optimization for differential chaotic communications are summarized in the paper.
表 1 差分混沌通信不同信号设计的对比
信号设计方法 优势 劣势 信号帧结构设计 实现简单,硬件成本较低 多径时延较大时将导致信号间干扰增大 正交多级信号设计 参考信号和信息承载信号在相同时隙中传输,提高系统的频谱效率 接收端需要Walsh码同步,误码率性能与同步质量密切相关 信号星座图设计 一个多元传输符号可传输多个信息比特,提高系统的数据传输速率 误码率性能随数据传输速率增大而恶化 多载波信号设计 多个信息承载信号子载波共享一个参考信号,提高系统的能量效率 峰均功率比较大,影响系统总体性能 表 2 不同噪声抑制方案的对比
噪声抑制方案 基本原理 优势 劣势 NR-DCSK [59]
SA-MC-DCSK [60]利用冗余信息进行平滑滤波降噪 系统实现相对简单,硬件成本较低 引入冗余信息,降低系统的能量效率和频谱效率 ND-MDCSK-DHT [62] 利用信息比特的再调制和迭代算法降噪 能够估计出噪声强度且降噪性能良好 系统复杂度高,高阶调制下的噪声抑制效果差 MC-DCSK-IR [63]
NS-MC-MDCSK [64]利用传输信号的似然信息实现迭代降噪 少量迭代就能获得良好的误码率性能 载波同步要求精度高,其质量直接影响系统性能 LRAM-MC-DCSK [65]
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