Design of Luneburg Lens Antenna Based on Novel Foam Materials
摘要: 该文利用新型泡沫材料聚甲基丙烯酰亚胺(PMI),设计了一种适用于复杂太空环境探测的毫米波龙伯透镜天线,通过将泡沫材料的密度与介电常数相关联,结合传统龙伯透镜天线的工作原理进行仿真优化,实现了小型化高增益多波束的功能。仿真结果表明:该天线工作于33.7 GHz,增益可以达到25.65 dBi,波束宽度4.17°。该设计方法为将来小型化高增益的龙伯透镜的实现提供了新的思路。Abstract: In this paper, a new type of foam material PolyMethacrylimIde (PMI) is used to design a millimeter-wave Luneburg lens antenna for the detection of complex space environment. By correlating the density of the foam material with the dielectric constant, combined with the working principle of the traditional Luneburg lens antenna, the simulation optimization is carried out, and the function of miniaturized high-gain multi-beam is realized. The simulation results show that the antenna works at 33.7 GHz, the gain can reach 25.65 dBi, and the beam width is 4.17°. This design method provides a new idea for the realization of miniaturized high-gain Luneburg lenses in the future.
Key words:
- Antenna /
- PMI foam /
- Luneburg lens antenna /
- High-gain antenna
表 1 PMI泡沫密度与其电性能参数
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 密度(kg/m3) 49.75 75.72 123.64 170.69 256.88 413.76 468.34 544.68 634.62 相对介电常数 1.065 1.100 1.170 1.230 1.340 1.560 1.640 1.750 1.880 损耗正切 0.0011 0.0016 0.0031 0.0036 0.0043 0.0085 0.0092 0.0099 0.0110 -
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