Collision Avoidance Algorithm for UAV Formation Reconfiguration under UV Non-uniform Virtual Potential Field
摘要: 针对复杂电磁环境下无人机编队重构过程中的路径规划和机间避碰问题,该文在传统紫外虚拟势场基础上,利用距离因子对斥力函数进行了改进,构建了一种紫外非均匀虚拟势场来协助无人机进行机间避碰。改进的紫外非均匀虚拟势场可以使得无人机避碰路径更加平滑,相同时间内,无人机可以飞行更远的距离。此外,通过无线紫外光测距方法计算无人机机间距离,并结合紫外非均匀势场对传统的人工势场法进行改进,实现无人机编队重构。仿真结果表明,该文算法可以有效解决传统算法下路径振荡和局部最小值问题,同时避碰效率相比传统人工势场算法有明显提升,在预设环境中该文算法路程缩短6%,到达目标点的时间提前40%。最后在两种不同的队形重构场景下,对该文算法进行了验证,结果表明该文算法可以有效实现无人机队形重构中预期的机间避碰效果。Abstract: To address the path planning and inter-aircraft collision avoidance problems in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) formation reconstruction in complex electromagnetic environment, the repulsion function is improved by using distance factor on the basis of traditional UV virtual potential field, and a non-uniform UV virtual potential field is constructed to assist UAVs in collision avoidance in this paper. The improved UV non-uniform virtual potential field can make the collision avoidance path of UAV smoother, and the UAV can fly a longer distance in the same time. In addition, the distance between UAVs is calculated by the wireless ultraviolet ranging method, and the traditional artificial potential field method is improved by combining the ultraviolet non-uniform potential field to realize the formation reconstruction of UAVs. Simulation results show that this algorithm can effectively solve the path oscillation and local minimum problems under the traditional algorithm, while the collision avoidance efficiency is significantly improved compared with the traditional artificial potential field algorithm, and the distance is shortened by 6% in the preset environment while the time to reach the target point is advanced by 40%. The results show that the algorithm can effectively achieve the expected inter-aircraft collision avoidance effect in UAV formation reconstruction.
表 1 坐标参数(m)
起点 目标点 障碍物1 障碍物2 障碍物3 障碍物4 障碍物5 坐标 (10,100) (190,120) (130,95) (100,110) (80,130) (160,80) (50,100) 半径(m) / / 7 5 10 5 10 表 2 编队队形设计1 (m)
UAV1 UAV2 UAV3 UAV4 UAV5 起始队形 (20,100,100) (60,100,100) (100,100,100) (125,100,100) (180,100,100) 目标队形 (50,50,100) (75,100,100) (100,150,100) (125,100,100) (150,50,100) 表 3 编队队形设计2 (m)
UAV1 UAV2 UAV3 UAV4 起始队形 (20,20,95) (180,20,95) (20,180,95) (180,180,95) 目标队形 (120,80,105) (80,80,105) (120,120,105) (80,120,105) -
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