Performance Analysis of Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Integrated Network Based on Uplink NOMA Technology
摘要: 针对光电混合的星空地融合网络上行链路,该文研究了多天线波束成形技术和上行非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术相结合的系统遍历和速率性能。首先,在无人机采用多天线和上行NOMA技术条件下,为实现系统和速率最大化,提出了一种基于统计信道状态信息的波束成形方案。接着,假设卫星-无人机链路采用自由空间光链路且服从伽马-伽马衰落,无人机-地面用户链路采用射频链路且服从相关瑞利衰落,推导了系统和速率的闭合表达式。最后,通过数值仿真验证了理论分析的正确性。仿真结果表明,与正交多址接入(OMA)方案相比,所提方案提高了系统性能,并且与基准波束成形(BF)方案相比,所提方案具有更好的性能优势。Abstract: The system Ergodic Sum Rate (ESR) performance of a mixed Free Space Optical/ Radio Frequency (FSO/RF) Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Integrated Network (SATIN) combining multi-antenna beamforming scheme and uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) technology is investigated in this paper. Firstly, a beamforming scheme using statistical channel state information is proposed to maximize the ESR of the considered system, where multi-antenna UAV is deployed with uplink NOMA technology. Secondly, under the assumption that the satellite-UAV link with FSO undergoes Gamma-Gamma fading while the UAV-terrestrial links adopted RF experience correlated Rayleigh fading, the closed-form expression for ESR of the considered SATIN is derived. Finally, numerical results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis. The simulation results show that, compared with the Orthogonal Multiple Access (OMA) scheme, the proposed scheme improves the system ESR, and the proposed scheme has the performance superiority over the other benchmark beamforming scheme.
表 1 系统参数
参数 数值 参数 数值 卫星轨道 GEO FSO链路路径损耗(dB) 72 卫星高度($ \times {10^4} $ km) 3.6 指向损失$ {A_0} $ 1 无人机与用户距离$ {d_k} $(km) 1.1 FSO接收器接受孔径$ {D_{\text{r}}} $(m) 0.3[13] 半径$ {r_0} $(m) 500 电光转换系数$\eta $ 1 RF链路载波频率$ {f_{\text{c}}} $(GHz) 2 等效波束半径与指向误差偏移量之间的比率$ \tau $ 6 RF链路路径损耗(dB) 114~115 与大气环境有关的大尺度单元的有效数量$ \alpha $ 2.902 FSO链路波长(nm) 1550[13] 与大气环境有关的小尺度单元的有效数量$ \beta $ 2.51 光接收带宽$ {B_0} $(GHz) 30[12] AOA角度$ {\theta _{\text{d}}} $ $ {30^ \circ } \sim {75^ \circ } $ -
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