Transferable Adversarial Example Generation Method For Face Verification
摘要: 在人脸识别模型的人脸验证任务中,传统的对抗攻击方法无法快速生成真实自然的对抗样本,且对单模型的白盒攻击迁移到其他人脸识别模型上时攻击效果欠佳。该文提出一种基于生成对抗网络的可迁移对抗样本生成方法TAdvFace。TAdvFace采用注意力生成器提高面部特征的提取能力,利用高斯滤波操作提高对抗样本的平滑度,并用自动调整策略调节身份判别损失权重,能够根据不同的人脸图像快速地生成高质量可迁移的对抗样本。实验结果表明,TAdvFace通过单模型的白盒训练,生成的对抗样本能够在多种人脸识别模型和商业API模型上都取得较好的攻击效果,拥有较好的迁移性。Abstract: In the face verification task of the face recognition model, traditional adversarial attack methods can not quickly generate real and natural adversarial examples, and the adversarial examples generated for one model under the white-box setting perform worse when transferred to other models. A GAN-based method TAdvFace is proposed for transferable adversarial example generation. TAdvFace uses an attention generator to improve the extraction of facial features. A Gaussian filtering operation is used to improve the smoothness of the adversarial samples. An automatic adjustment strategy is used to adjust the loss weight of identity discrimination, which can quickly generate high-quality migratable adversarial samples based on different face images. Experimental results show that through the white box training of a single model, the adversarial examples generated by the TAdvFace can achieve great attack results and transferability in a variety of face recognition models and commercial API models.
Key words:
- Face verification /
- Adversarial example /
- Generate adversarial networks /
- Transferability
算法1 自动调整算法 输入:对抗损失函数权重${\lambda _i}$;目标人脸图像$y$; 输入:最大迭代次数$T$;对抗样本${x^t}$;目标人脸图像$y$ (1) for $t = 0$ to $T - 1$ do (a) ${\lambda _i}$=10 (b) generate Adversarial Example ${x^t}$ within $\varepsilon $ (c) Get the cosine pair by Cosine Similarity$({x^t},y)$ (d) if cosine pair <0.6 then (e) ${\lambda _i}$=1.1$ \times $${\lambda _i}$ $ \triangleright $cosine pair[–1,0.6] (f) if cosine pair <0.4 then (g) ${\lambda _i}$=1.1$ \times $${\lambda _i}$ $\triangleright $cosine pair[–1,0.4] (h) if cosine pair <0 then (i) ${\lambda _i}$=1.1$ \times $${\lambda _i}$ $\triangleright $cosine pair[–1,0] (j) if cosine pair <-0.2 then (k) ${\lambda _i}$=1.05$ \times $${\lambda _i}$ $\triangleright $cosine pair[–1,–0.2] (l) if cosine pair <-0.4 then (m) ${\lambda _i}$=1.05$ \times $${\lambda _i}$ $\triangleright $cosine pair[–1,–0.4] (n) update L with new(${\lambda _i}$) $\triangleright $计算总损失函数 (o) $t = t + 1$ (2) end for 表 1 各攻击方法生成的对抗样本对人脸识别模型的非定向攻击成功率(%)
攻击方法 FaceNet SphereFace InsightFace VGG-Face API-Baidu API-Face++ API-Xfyun PGD-8 99.90 26.29 26.29 21.61 72.21 22.40 6.31 PGD-16 99.90 52.95 52.54 32.67 94.57 56.25 16.95 FGM-0.01 87.47 17.74 13.47 16.00 50.75 10.35 2.71 FGM-0.04 91.60 26.76 28.22 18.26 74.81 26.74 7.62 FLM 100.00 24.01 16.40 18.13 74.85 20.32 5.24 GFLM 99.83 33.51 26.40 23.07 89.62 42.48 11.78 AdvFace 100.00 63.04 51.51 57.13 94.18 59.71 13.05 本文TAdvFace 99.98 78.59 58.22 73.47 98.37 74.22 28.14 表 2 各对抗攻击方法生成的对抗样本的图像质量评价和生成时间
评价指标 PGD-8 PGD-16 FGM-0.01 FGM-0.04 FLM GFLM AdvFace 本文TAdvFace ↑SSIM 0.89±0.01 0.75±0.03 0.82±0.07 0.82±0.07 0.82±0.05 0.62±0.10 0.91±0.02 0.92±0.02 ↑PSNR(dB) 34.11±0.39 29.23±0.41 19.01±3.27 18.99±3.24 23.25±1.81 19.50±2.34 28.62±2.67 29.80±4.08 ↓LPIPS 0.037±0.012 0.086±0.021 0.073±0.041 0.072±0.041 0.033±0.010 0.058±0.025 0.020±0.006 0.020±0.007 ↓时间(s) 8.27 7.86 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.53 0.01 0.01 表 3 不同高斯核尺寸下对抗样本的非定向攻击成功率(%)
尺寸 FaceNet SphereFace InsightFace VGG-Face API-Baidu API-Face++ / 99.72 26.73 16.16 29.63 67.23 17.22 1$ \times $1 99.69 24.50 15.30 28.03 64.61 15.71 3$ \times $3 99.70 25.12 15.30 26.93 65.74 16.03 5$ \times $5 99.70 38.67 21.19 41.68 78.56 27.69 7$ \times $7 99.79 65.71 40.25 65.14 95.60 60.46 9$ \times $9 99.78 87.73 62.74 79.24 98.51 83.46 表 4 不同高斯核尺寸下对抗样本的图像质量评价
尺寸 ↑SSIM ↑PSNR ↓LPIPS / 0.9732±0.013 34.40±4.82 0.0053±0.002 1$ \times $1 0.9730±0.013 34.31±4.85 0.0052±0.002 3$ \times $3 0.9725±0.014 34.37±4.82 0.0052±0.002 5$ \times $5 0.9656±0.017 33.32±4.75 0.0073±0.003 7$ \times $7 0.9406±0.026 30.63±4.60 0.0170±0.006 9$ \times $9 0.8415±0.042 25.08±4.15 0.0676±0.019 表 5 不同嵌入阶段下的对抗样本非定向攻击成功率(%)
嵌入阶段 FaceNet Sphere
FaceVGGFace API-Baidu API-Face++ / 99.79 65.71 40.25 65.14 95.60 60.46 R256-1 99.68 67.64 38.52 61.09 94.43 58.02 R256-2 99.79 61.42 36.07 59.09 93.07 52.07 R256-3 99.80 66.91 37.63 65.78 93.97 56.98 All 99.82 72.27 44.17 68.18 95.25 62.01 表 6 SE模块不同组合方式下的对抗样本的攻击成功率(%)
组合方式 FaceNet SphereFace InsightFace VGG-Face API-Baidu API-Face++ 标准组合 99.73 68.34 38.04 62.95 93.98 56.24 卷积操作前 99.82 69.14 41.18 67.26 95.85 63.45 卷积操作间 99.70 65.84 38.84 64.03 94.76 57.96 跳跃连接中 99.82 72.27 44.17 68.18 95.25 62.01 表 7 不同身份判别损失权重策略下非定向攻击成功率(%)
权重策略 Face
FaceVGG-Face API-Baidu API-Face++ ${\lambda _i}$=10 99.82 72.27 44.17 68.18 95.25 62.01 自动调整 99.98 78.59 58.22 73.47 98.37 74.22 -
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