Identity Ring SignCryption Based on Consortium Blockchain
摘要: 针对联盟链交易时存在的用户隐私泄露问题,该文提出基于联盟链的身份环签密(CB-IDRSC)方案。CB-IDRSC利用智能合约技术控制新交易加入,实现了公平可靠性;利用多个私钥生成器(PKGs)为用户生成私钥信息,满足联盟链部分去中心化要求和起到保护节点隐私的作用;并且具有机密性、不可伪造性和环签密者的无条件匿名性。性能分析中首先对CB-IDRSC中用到的智能合约进行部署;其次通过效率分析说明CB-IDRSC具有较高的计算效率;最后在忽略网络延时等因素影响的情况下,通过实验得出多私钥生成器的数量对系统参数生成和密钥生成阶段的效率影响不到3%。Abstract: Focusing on the problem of user privacy leakage during consortium blockchain transactions, IDentity Ring SignCryption based on Consortium Blockchain (CB-IDRSC) is devised in this paper. CB-IDRSC uses the smart contract technology to control the addition of new transactions, and so realizes its fairness and reliability; It uses the multiple Private Key Generators (PKGs) to generate the private key information for users, and so satisfies the requirements of partial decentralization of consortium blockchain and can protect the node privacy; In addition, it has the confidentiality, unforgeability and unconditional anonymity of ring signcryptors. In performance analysis, the smart contract used in CB-IDRSC is firstly deployed, and high computation efficiency of CB-IDRSC is shown by efficiency analysis. By ignoring the influence of network delay and other factors, the experiments show the influence of the number of PKGs to efficiency of setup phase with key generation phase is less than 3%.
表 1 智能合约符号说明
符号 含义 符号 含义 NewN 新的交易节点 IDNewN 新节点地址 OldN 旧的交易节点 O_NVer 旧节点验证新节点 M 通过验证的节点 TxNewN 新节点的交易 InfNewN 新节点信息 PriNewN 新节点的密钥 流程1 交易节点认证 输入:NewN, OldN, 2N,M=0 输出:TNSC 打包新交易节点信息: DataNewN=(InfNewN,IDNewN) 新交易调用智能合约: TxNewN=(H(DataNewN),PriNewN) 旧节点对新节点进行验证: while M<N do for(k=0; k<N; k++) if O_Nver=1 M++ end end end TNSC添加新节点信息: TNSC+=(InfNewN,IDNewN) return TNSC 表 2 智能合约部署的关键参数
名称 参数 chainid 0xd05 gaslimit 160000000 timestamp 1638087433 block.number 7 表 3 各方案的特征比较
表 4 各密码操作的计算时间(ms)
符号 执行操作 所需时间 TH 1次哈希运算 11.71 Tmul 1次标量乘法运算 0.03 Tec 1次指数运算 5.00 Tbp 1次双线性对运算 15.23 TI 1次逆运算 1.52 -
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