Preliminary Process of Airborne Multidimensional Space Joint-observation SAR System
摘要: 随着合成孔径雷达(SAR)技术的发展,从极化、频率、角度和时相等多个维度空间联合观测成为SAR发展的重要趋势,但维度联合观测的系统与实验少有报道。该文概要介绍了机载多维度SAR(MSJosSAR)航空观测系统的能力,归纳总结了该系统的技术特点。提出多维度SAR一致性成像方法,实现多波段成像后的配准精度优于1个像元。分析了多波段极化角度特征谱、多方位角层析3维结构重建、多时相相干变化检测等3种SAR多维观测量的初步实验结果,验证了系统的多维观测能力。Abstract: With the development of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology, Multidimensional Space Joint-observation, which includes polarimetry, frequency, angle, and time spaces, has become an important trend in SAR development, but there are few reports on systems and experiments about it. In this paper, the capabilities of the airborne Multidimensional Space Joint-observation SAR(MSJosSAR)system are briefly described and the technical characteristics of the system are summarized. A SAR consistently imaging algorithm is proposed and the registration accuracy of Multiband image is better than 1 pixel. The preliminary process of three multidimensional space joint-observations, including multi-band polarization angle feature quantity, multi-aspect tomography three-dimensional reconstruction, are analyzed, multitemporal coherence change detection, which verify the ability of multidimensional space joint-observation.
表 1 机载多维度SAR航空观测系统参数
类别 P L S C X Ka 工作模式 全极化、交轨干涉(C,Ka)、重轨干涉、圆迹 作业距离(km) 10~100 极化方式 全极化 PRF(Hz) 500 2000 1000 500 1000 5000 带宽(MHz) 200 200 300 300 500 900 分辨率(m) 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.3 表 2 一致性成像结果的配准精度
匹配图像 Ka-X X-C C-S S-L L-P 最大坐标差(像素) 0.85 0.66 0.94 0.58 0.50 -
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