Spaceborne Interrupted Frequency Modulate Continuous Wave SAR Imaging Based on Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Reconstruction Technique
摘要: 间断调频连续波(IFMCW)合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种新型的集轻量化、低成本和低功耗于一体的新型SAR系统。该系统采用单根天线发射和接收信号,颠覆了传统的调频连续波(FMCW) SAR系统设计理念。在该模式下,由于发射机工作时接收机关闭,导致合成孔径中出现周期性的间隔,采用传统成像算法进行成像,在聚焦SAR图像中将会出现周期性的虚假目标。为了有效地抑制虚假目标,该文基于子孔径回波数据,提出一种新的成像算法,即基于子孔径投影的低秩汉克尔矩阵重构技术(LHRTSP)。实验结果表明与现有方法相比,所提方法对虚假目标的抑制效果更佳,验证了所提方法的有效性。Abstract: The Interrupted Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (IFMCW) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a novel type of SAR system,which has the advantages of light weight, low cost, and low power consumption. The system subverts the design concept of the traditional Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) SAR system, which use a single antenna to transmit and receive signals.In this system, the transmitter and receiver operate at different time intervals, resulting in periodic gaps in the synthetic aperture. When the received echo data is imaged using traditional imaging algorithms, the artifacts will appear in the focused SAR image. In order to suppress effectively the appearance of artifacts, this paper proposes a new imaging algorithm for subaperture echo data processing, which is called Low-rank Hankel matrix Reconstruction Technique based on Subaperture Projection (LHRTSP). The experimental results show that the proposed method has better suppression effect on artifacts compared with the existing methods, which verifies the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
算法1 GIRAF算法 初始化: $ {{X}^{{\text{(0)}}}} $和$\varepsilon 0$ for n=1:I max 第1步: 利用公式(11),构建格拉姆矩阵${{\boldsymbol{G}}}$ 对${{\boldsymbol{G}}}$进行特征值分解 利用式(14)计算湮灭滤波器${{\boldsymbol{h}}}$ 利用式(18),将滤波器${{\boldsymbol{h}}}$转换为权重 第2步: 求解最小二乘问题: 通过ADMM迭代式(15)-式(17),计算$ {{X}^{{\text{(}}n{\text{)}}}} $ if $0 < \varepsilon_n < \varepsilon_n - 1$ end end 表 1 星载IFMCW SAR模式仿真参数
参数 数值 参数 数值 雷达工作载频(Hz) 16.70 脉冲发射频率(Hz) 3479.00 雷达有效速度(m/s) 7613.00 天线长度(m) 4.48 带宽(MHz) 180.00 接收脉冲(个) 13 景中心斜距(km) 534.00 缺失脉冲(个) 12 发射脉冲时宽(μs) 266.71 斜视角(°) 0 表 2 研究区域A和B中不同方法的定量分析
指标 IFMCW AAIT CS LHRTSP RMSE(A) 303.04 178.26 134.93 67.78 SSIM(A) 0.39 0.48 0.51 0.63 IE(A) 11.59 11.38 11.33 11.21 RMSE(B) 241.94 98.75 82.79 57.57 SSIM(B) 0.39 0.50 0.46 0.61 IE(B) 9.82 9.75 9.96 9.22 -
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