Accurate and Fast ElectroCardioGram Classification Method Based on Adaptive Fast S-Transform and XGBoost
摘要: 针对心电信号(ECG)传统分类方法效率较低的问题,该文提出一种基于自适应快速S变换(AFST)和XGBoost的心电信号精确快速分类方法。该方法首先通过快速定位算法确定心电信号特征频率点,再根据特征频率点自适应调节S变换窗宽因子,增强S变换的时频分辨率的同时避免迭代计算,大大减少运行时间。其次,基于自适应快速S变换的时频矩阵提取12个特征量来表征5种心电信号的特征信息,特征向量维数低,识别能力强。最后,利用XGBoost算法对特征向量进行识别。MIT-BIH心律失常数据库和患者实测数据验证表明,该方法显著地缩短了分类时间,对5种心电信号的分类准确率分别为99.59%和97.32%,适用于实际检测系统中心律失常疾病的快速诊断。Abstract: Considering the low efficiency of traditional ElectroCardioGram(ECG) classification methods, an accurate and fast ElectroCardioGram classification method based on Adaptive Fast S-Transform (AFST) and XGBoost is proposed. Firstly, the main feature points of the ECG signals are determined through a fast positioning algorithm, and then the S-Transform window width factor is adjusted adaptively according to the main feature points to enhance the time-frequency resolution of the S-transform while avoiding iterative calculation and reducing the running time greatly; Secondly, based on the time-frequency matrix of AFST, 12 eigenvalues are extracted to represent the characteristic information of 5 kinds of ECG signals, with low eigenvector dimension and strong recognition ability. Finally, XGBoost is used to identify the eigenvectors. The experimental studies based on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and the verification of patient measurement data show that, with the proposed method, the classification time of ECG signals is significantly shortened and classification accuracy of 99.59%, 97.32% is obtained respectively, which is suitable for the rapid diagnosis of abnormal diseases in the center rate of the actual detection system.
表 1 不同算法运算量分析
算法 运算量 复数乘法 复数加法 时间复杂度 ST $ ({N^2} + {N^3})/2 $ $ ({N^3} - {N^2})/2 $ $ O({N^3}) $ FST $ (2{N^2} + {N^2}{\log _2}N)/4 $ $ ({N^2}{\log _2}N)/2 $ $ O({N^2}\log {}_2N) $ AFST $ q(2N + N{\log _2}N)/2 $ $ qN{\log _2}N $ $ O(qN\log {}_2N) $ 表 2 分类结果(%)
心电类型 $ {\text{Acc}} $ $ {\text{Sen}} $ $ {\text{Spe}} $ $ {\text{PPV}} $ NORM 99.68 99.06 99.30 98.95 LBBB 99.43 98.83 99.58 99.64 RBBB 99.52 99.54 99.90 99.96 APC 99.70 99.36 98.86 99.43 PVC 99.61 99.48 99.71 99.29 总计 99.59 99.25 99.47 99.45 表 3 各算法性能对比
特征提取方法 分类器 特征提取
(%)ST 随机森林 389.10 6.42 84.14 GBDT 4.98 80.29 XGBoost 4.35 85.95 改进XGBoost 4.35 88.53 AFST 随机森林 152.07 6.47 98.42 GBDT 4.98 97.74 XGBoost 4.36 99.06 改进XGBoost 4.36 99.59 表 4 不同分类方法对比(%)
方法 分类器 ECG特征 Acc Sen Spe PPV Wavelet[24] E-SVM 小波系数、R-R间期、形态特征 94.50 94.70 93.90 – Wavelet[8] RNN-LSTM 小波系数、R-R间期、形态特征 97.10 85.70 94.28 98.35 TSFEL[16] RT+SVM 统计学特征、时频特征 98.21 84.21 95.95 92.81 XWT[8] SVM 小波系数、R-R间期、时域特征 98.50 99.69 98.80 – SST[25] SVM SST系数、R-R间期、形态特征 84.71 80.43 70.75 – ST[11] GA-SVM R-R间期、时频特征、形态特征 99.74 99.42 99.83 – AFST 改进XGBoost 时频特征 99.59 99.25 99.47 99.45 -
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