Intelligent Vehicle Localization Based on Polarized LiDAR Representation and Siamese Network
摘要: 基于3维激光雷达 (LiDAR) 的智能车定位在地图存储空间与匹配效率、准确率等方面仍存在诸多问题。该文提出一种轻量级点云极化地图构建方法:采用多通道图像模型对3维点云进行编码生成点云极化图,利用孪生网络结构提取并训练点云极化指纹,结合轨迹位姿信息构建点云极化地图。还提出一种基于点云极化地图匹配的智能车定位方法:采用孪生网络对查询指纹与地图指纹进行相似度建模实现快速的地图粗匹配,采用基于2阶隐马尔可夫模型 (HMM2) 的地图序列精确匹配方法获取最近的地图节点,通过点云配准计算车辆位姿。使用实地数据集和公开的KITTI数据集进行测试。实验结果表明,地图匹配准确率高于96%,定位平均误差约为30 cm,并对不同类型的LiDAR传感器与不同的场景具有较好的鲁棒性。Abstract: Intelligent vehicle localization based on 3D Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) is still a challenging task in map storage and the efficiency and accuracy of map matching. A lightweight node-level polarized LiDAR map is constructed by a series of nodes with a 2D polarized LiDAR image, a polarized LiDAR fingerprint, and sensor pose, while the polarized LiDAR image encodes a 3D cloud using a multi-channel image format, and the fingerprint is extracted and trained using Siamese network. An intelligent vehicle localization method is also proposed by matching with the polarized LiDAR map. Firstly, Siamese network is used to model the similarity of the query and map fingerprints for fast and coarse map matching. Then a Second-Order Hidden Markov Model (HMM2)-based map sequence matching method is used to find the nearest map node. Finally, the vehicle is readily localized using 3D registration. The proposed method is tested using the actual field data and the public KITTI database. The results indicate that the proposed method can achieve map matching accuracy up to 96% and 30cm localization accuracy with robustness in different types of LiDAR sensors and different environments.
表 1 基于孪生网络的点云极化地图粗匹配结果
$ \Delta m $ (m) $\mu $内地图节点的
平均数目 (个)粗匹配结果的
平均数目 (个)${\overline P _f}$ (%) 1.0 10.0 3.0 95.42 1.5 6.7 2.9 96.39 2.0 5.0 3.1 95.70 表 2 基于 SURF 特征的点云极化图匹配准确率
$ \Delta m $ (m) ${\overline P _s}$ (%) 1.0 85.09 1.5 95.88 2.0 97.71 表 3 改变
$ {\sigma _s} $ 和$ {\sigma _e} $ 获取地图序列精确匹配结果Pa (%)$ {\sigma _s} $ $ {\sigma _e} $ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.8 97.99 97.99 98.57 98.28 97.99 1.0 97.99 97.99 98.85 97.71 97.13 1.2 97.71 97.99 98.28 96.85 96.28 表 4 改变地图分辨率和车速获取地图序列精确匹配结果Pa (%)
$v$ (m/s) $ \Delta m $ (m) 1.5 2.0 5 96.22 98.46 10 95.04 98.09 15 97.99 98.85 表 5 不同方法的地图匹配结果对比
表 6 不同方法的定位结果对比
表 7 不同方法的地图匹配结果对比
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