Research and Experimental Verification of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface in Indoor Coverage Enhancement
摘要: 智能超表面(RIS)通过打造可重构主动智能无线环境,打破了无线通信系统中被动电波传播的局限性,为5G-Adv和6G发展创造了新的契机。该文介绍了RIS系统架构与工作原理,包括硬件设计与波束聚合原理等。搭建了RIS辅助的无线通信实验测试系统,通过对比无RIS、随机码本RIS及赋形码本RIS 3种情况下的测试结果,验证了RIS通过反射波束赋形实现覆盖增强的能力。Abstract: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) breaks technological limitations of traditional wireless communication systems, it creates new opportunities for development of 5G-Adv and 6G by introducing reconfigurable communication environment. RIS system architecture and working principle are introduced in detail, including hardware design and beamforming method. RIS assisted wireless communication system is introduced in-depth, received signal gain and system performance are analyzed in details. Combined with indoor test, beamforming ability of RIS is verified.
表 1 RIS相关参数
参数 取值 可调信号频率范围(GHz) 2.515~2.675 可调俯仰角度范围 ±60° 可调方位角度范围 ±60° 波束宽度 E面:7°,H面:3.5° 码本更新率(s) 0.01 表 2 室内场景实验参数
参数 取值 信号频率(GHz) 2.64 入射角度 30° \ 60° 出射角度 60° \ 30° 发射端距离(m) 6 接收端距离(m) 13.2~18.0 信号带宽(MHz) 40 俯仰角 0° 天线增益(dBi) 12.5 功放增益(dBm) 35 -
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