Construction of Type II Z-Optimal Binary Complementary Sequence Pairs
摘要: 该文以长度为N(N为整数)的Golay互补对(GCP)为种子序列对,在种子序列对的3个选定位置中插入特定的码元,构造出长度为N+3的II型Z-优化2元Z-互补序列对(ZCP)。与已知同长度II型Z-优化2元Z-互补序列对相比,构造的新序列有更低的峰均包络功率比(PMEPR)。Z-互补序列对和Golay互补序列对都广泛应用于正交频分复用(OFDM)系统和码分多址(CDMA)系统等,但前者有更灵活的序列长度和更多的序列数量,更能满足应用的需求。Abstract: Based on a length-N Golay Complementary sequence Pair (GCP) as a seed, a Z-optimal binary Z-Complementary sequence Pair (ZCP) with length N+3 is constructed by inserting three specific components at chosen positions in the aforementioned seed, where N is an integer. Compared with the known Type-II Z-optimal binary ZCPs of the same length, the resultant pairs have lower Peak-to-Mean Envelope Power Ratio (PMEPR). Both ZCPs and GCPs are widely used in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system, etc, however, the former has more flexible lengths and larger family sizes, which can better meet the requirements of applications.
表 1 I型及II型构造条件
例 $ (w,v) $ I型条件 II型条件 new1 $ \begin{gathered} (({i_1})||{a_1}||{a_2}||({i_2},{i_3})) \\ (({j_1})||{b_1}||{b_2}||({j_2},{j_3})) \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = - {j_2};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = - {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = {j_2};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ new2 $ \begin{gathered} (({i_1},{i_2})||{a_1}||{a_2}||({i_3})) \\ (({j_1},{j_2})||{b_1}||{b_2}||({j_3})) \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = {j_2};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = - {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = - {j_2};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ new3 $ \begin{gathered} (({i_1})||{a_1}||({i_2})||{a_2}||({i_3})) \\ (({j_1})||{b_1}||({j_2})||{b_2}||({j_3})) \\ \end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ; \\ {i_1} = {j_1};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ; \\ {i_1} = - {j_1};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ known1[20] $ \begin{gathered} (({i_1},{i_2})||{a_1}||({i_3})||{a_2}) \\ (({j_1},{j_2})||{b_1}||({j_3})||{b_2}) \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} {\text{ ;}}{i_1} = {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = {j_2};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = - {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = - {j_2};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ know2[20] $ \begin{gathered} ({a_1}||({i_1})||{a_2}||({i_2},{i_3})) \\ ({b_1}||({j_1})||{b_2}||({j_2},{j_3})) \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = - {j_2};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ;{i_1} = 1 - {j_1}; \\ {i_2} = {j_2};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered} $ known3[20] $ \begin{gathered} (({i_1})||{a_1}||({i_2},{i_3})||{a_2}) \\ (({j_1})||{b_1}||({j_2},{j_3})||{b_2}) \\ \end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\}; \\ {i_1} = {j_1};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ; \\ {i_1} = - {j_1};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ known4[20] $ \begin{gathered} ({a_1}||({i_1},{i_2})||{a_2}||({i_3})) \\ ({b_1}||({j_1},{j_2})||{b_2}||({j_3})) \\ \end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\}; \\ {i_1} = {j_1};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ; \\ {i_1} = - {j_1};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ known5[20] $ \begin{gathered} ({a_1}||({i_1},{i_2},{i_3})||{a_2}) \\ ({b_1}||({j_1},{j_2},{j_3})||{b_2}) \\ \end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\}; \\ {i_1} = {j_1};{i_3} = - {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} {i_k},{j_k} \in \{ \pm 1\} ; \\ {i_1} = - {j_1};{i_3} = {j_3} \\ \end{gathered}$ -
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