Robust Joint Accumulation and Detection for Discrete Frequency Coded Waveform Signals at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio
摘要: 雷达电子侦察环境下,非合作目标发射的离散频率编码(DFC)波形信号具有低截获、抗干扰的特性,在低信噪比(SNR)条件下传统方法难以实现波形的稳健积累及准确的脉冲检测,容易造成数据漏检与情报缺失。针对以上问题,该文提出一种联合的积累检测算法,该算法通过相关积累和非相干积累的联合处理实现了低信噪比下稳健脉冲信号包络的获取,并利用双向恒虚警(CFAR)检测和脉冲沿判决准则抑制了突跳噪声对脉冲检测的影响,实现了准确而稳健的脉冲到达时间和脉冲宽度的估计。相比于常规算法,该文在不需要任何先验信息的条件下能够实现离散频率编码波形信号的准确检测,检测虚警率低且具有良好的稳健性。仿真实验验证了所提算法的有效性和稳健性。Abstract: In the radar electronic reconnaissance environment, the Discrete Frequency Coded (DFC) waveform signals emitted by non-cooperative targets with low probability of interception and anti-interference is hard to be accumulated and detected under low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions. Consequently, a joint accumulation and detection algorithm is proposed in this paper. First, correlated accumulation and incoherent accumulation are jointly used to obtain signal envelopes from low SNR environments. Then, the bi-directional Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) threshold and pulse edge decision criteria are used to detect pulses and estimate accurate time of arrival and pulse width. Compared with conventional algorithms, the proposed algorithm could realize the accurate detection of discrete frequency coded waveform signals without any prior information, with low detection false alarm rate and good robustness. Simulation experiments verify the effectiveness and robustness of the algorithm in this paper.
表 1 仿真DFC雷达信号波形参数
参数名称 参数值 采样率 300 MHz 脉冲重复时间 120 μs 脉冲宽度 30 μs 起始频率 10 MHz 带宽 120 MHz 脉冲到达时间 24 μs -
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