Performance Analysis and Optimization of Multi-antenna Dense Heterogeneous Network Based on Stochastic Geometry Theory
摘要: 无线网络的异构化、密集化部署极大地提高了系统容量,可满足用户日益增长的数据流量需求,但是复杂的网络结构、近乎随机的基站分布不利于系统的性能评估和参数设计。针对这一问题,该文提出一种适用于多天线密集异构网络的性能分析框架。首先,利用随机几何模型推导了覆盖率的闭合表达式并给出了优化方案。为了直观地观察关键系统参数对覆盖率的影响,还给出了一种渐近表达式。其次,推导了区域频谱效率(ASE)的积分表达式,为了减小计算复杂度,给出了一种ASE的上界。最后,还提出了一种有效的算法来设计最优的基站(BSs)部署密度,以在满足覆盖率需求的前提下最大化ASE。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性和所提优化算法的有效性。该文的研究成果不但可以为复杂网络的性能分析提供理论依据,还可为系统的优化与设计提供可行性方案。Abstract: The heterogeneous and intensive deployment of wireless network improves greatly the system capacity, which can meet the increasing data traffic demand of users. However, the complex network structure and almost random base station distribution are not conducive to the performance evaluation and parameter design of systems. Considering this problem, a performance analysis framework for multi-antenna dense heterogeneous networks is proposed. Firstly, resorting to stochastic geometry model, the closed-form expression of coverage probability is derived, and the optimization scheme is proposed. In order to observe intuitively the effects of key system parameters on coverage probability, an asymptotic expression is also given. Secondly, the integral expression of Area Spectral Efficiency (ASE) is derived. In order to reduce the computational complexity, an upper bound of ASE is provided. Finally, an effective algorithm is proposed to design the optimal active Base Stations (BSs) densities, maximizing the ASE with appropriate requirements of coverage probability. The simulation results verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed optimization algorithm. The research results of this paper can not only provide theoretical basis for the performance analysis of complex networks, but also provide feasible schemes for the optimization and design of systems.
表 1 最优基站部署方案求解算法(算法1)
输入:覆盖率需求$ \eta $ 输出:最优解$ {\lambda ^ * } $ (1) if $ \eta \mathop {\max }\limits_{k \in \mathcal{K}} p_k^{\rm{c}} \left( \beta \right)$ then (2) 没有可行解 (3) else (4) $ {\lambda ^ * } \leftarrow {\lambda ^{\max }} $ (5) while ${\boldsymbol{c}}{\lambda ^ * } < 0$且$\mathcal{K} \ne \varnothing$ do
(6) $ i = \arg \mathop {\min }\limits_{i \in \mathcal{K}} \dfrac{{{c_i}}}{{{b_i}}} $(7) $ \lambda _i^ * \leftarrow 0 $ (8) if ${\boldsymbol{c}}{\lambda ^ * } > 0$ then (9) $\lambda _i^ * \leftarrow - \dfrac{ {{\boldsymbol{c}}{\lambda ^ * } } }{ { {c_i} } }$ (10) end if (11) $ \mathcal{K}\leftarrow \mathcal{K}/\left\{i\right\} $ (12) end while (13) end if -
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