Research on Segmentation of Steel Surface Defect Images Based on Improved Res-UNet Network
摘要: 为了提高钢铁质量图像检测的效率和精度,提高生产自动化水平,该文提出一种改进的Res-UNet网络分割算法。使用ResNet50代替ResNet18作为编码模块,增强特征提取能力;修改编码模块,使残差块间稠密连接,增强浅层特征的深度延展,充分利用特征;使用加权Dice损失和加权交叉熵损失(BCEloss)结合的新损失函数缓解样本不均衡的情况;数据集增强策略保证网络学习更多的样本特征,增强细节分割精度。相比于经典的UNet算法,组合优化后的Res-UNet网络的Dice系数最多提高了12.64%,达到0.7930,网络训练时间更短,对各类缺陷的分割精准度更优,证明该文算法在钢铁表面缺陷分割领域具有应用价值。Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of steel quality images detection and promote the automation level of industry, an improved Res-UNet segmentation algorithm is proposed. ResNet50 is used instead of ResNet18 as the encode module to enhance feature extraction capability. Structure like DenseNet is added to encode module, which helps to make full use of shallow feature maps. A new loss function combining weighted Dice loss and weighted Binary Cross Entropy loss (BCEloss) is used to alleviate data imbalance. Data set enhancement strategy ensures that the network learns more features and improves the segmentation accuracy. Compared with the classic UNet, the Dice coefficient of the improved Res-UNet increases by 12.64% and reaches 0.7930. In all, the improved Res-UNet achieves much better accuracy on various defects while requires much less training efforts. The algorithm proposed by this paper is of practical use in the field of steel surface defect segmentation.
Key words:
- Defect segmentation /
- Res-UNet /
- Dense connection /
- Weighted loss /
- Image enhancement
表 1 网络各层参数及特征图大小
类型 核大小/步长 输出 Conv1 $ 7 \times 7/2 $ $ 128 \times 800 \times 64 $ Maxpool $ 3 \times 3/2 $ $ 64 \times 400 \times 64 $ Res Block $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 64 \times 400 \times 64 $ Res Block $ 3 \times 3/2 $ $ 32 \times 200 \times 128 $ Res Block $ 3 \times 3/2 $ $ 16 \times 100 \times 256 $ Res Block $ 3 \times 3/2 $ $ 8 \times 50 \times 512 $ Decode Block $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 16 \times 100 \times 256 $ Decode Block $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 32 \times 200 \times 128 $ Decode Block $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 64 \times 400 \times 64 $ Decode Block $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 128 \times 800 \times 32 $ Up Sample 插值规模因子=2 $ 256 \times 1600 \times 32 $ Con2d $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 256 \times 1600 \times 16 $ Con2d $ 3 \times 3/1 $ $ 256 \times 1600 \times 16 $ 表 2 训练数据集缺陷分布情况(张)
有损图片 无损图片 仅含划痕 仅含埋渣 仅含皮麟 仅含氧化 含两种缺陷 4864 4311 559 138 3495 380 292 表 3 各网络训练超参数及实验结果
网络名称 训练周期(epoch) 训练时间(min) Dice系数 识别准确率(%) UNet (M1) 80 552 0.6666 69.02 Res18-UNet (M2) 40 674 0.7551 80.47 Res50-UNet (M3) 50 1191 0.7564 80.80 Res18-UNet+ReCon (M4) 40 560 0.7629 82.83 Res18-UNet+train-aug (M5) 45 554 0.7644 81.14 Res18-UNet+BDloss (M6) 35 568 0.7797 87.54 Res18-UNet+BDloss+ReCon (M7) 45 566 0.7921 88.21 Res18-UNet+BDloss+train-aug (M8) 40 531 0.7881 89.23 Res50-UNet+BDloss+train-aug (M9) 55 1172 0.7910 89.90 Res18-UNet+BDloss+train-aug +ReCon (M10) 29 405 0.7930 88.89 AlexNet (M11) 300 495 – 53.80 DenseNet (M12) 35 469 – 80.56 Xception (M13) 10 65 0.6238 52.86 Mask RCNN (M14) 35 299 0.7350 62.96 -
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