Gap Waveguide Technology and its Space Applications
摘要: 间隙波导(GW)是一种基于非接触电磁带隙(EBG)结构的新型人工电磁(EM)材料,其独特的非接触结构和宽带电磁屏蔽特性在构建新型电磁传输线及屏蔽结构方面显示出极大的优势和灵活性,为微波毫米波部件、电路及天线等领域带来了新的研究视角和实现途径,近年来引起了广泛关注。该文首先简要介绍了间隙波导概念和原理,分析了其技术优势;进一步,根据不同的研究及应用领域分类,全方位地归纳总结了间隙波导技术相关的国内外研究进展情况;最后,结合空间技术背景和发展需求,探讨了间隙波导在空间微波毫米波技术中的应用前景,提出了基于间隙波导技术的非接触式无源互调干扰控制方法及堆叠集成毫米波电路系统两个重要的应用方向。该文工作可为间隙波导技术相关研究和应用提供一定的借鉴与参考。Abstract: Gap Waveguide (GW) is a new kind of artificial ElectroMagnetic (EM) material based on contactless Electromagnetic Band Gap(EBG) structure. The unique contactless structure and wide EM forbidden band of GW show great advantages and flexibility in developing new EM transmission lines and shielding structures, providing a new research perspective and realization approach for microwave & millimeter-wave components, circuits and antennas, etc., and causing much attentions in recent years. Firstly, the concept and principle of GW are briefly introduced, and its technical advantages are analyzed. Then, the research progress of GW is comprehensively summarized, according to the classification of various research and application fields. In the end, the application prospect of GW in space microwave & millimeter-wave technology is discussed combining with space technology background and development needs, and the contactless suppression method of passive intermodulation and stacked-integrated technology of millimeter-wave systems are proposed. This work can provide some valuable references for the research and application of GW.
表 1 间隙波导国内外研究领域分类
研究领域 细节分类 非接触EBG结构 理论分析;新型非接触EBG;其他 GW传输线 经典GW传输线及应用;新型GW传输线及应用;过渡、互联方法 GW的微波毫米波
其他:电路封装、快速测试、3D打印、先进制造等 -
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