Adaptive Video Frame Type Decision Algorithm Based on Local Luminance Histogram
摘要: 视频帧类型决策是影响视频编码效率的关键因素之一。为提升x265视频编码器的编码性能,该文提出基于局部亮度直方图的自适应视频帧类型决策算法。首先,在64×64大小的编码树单元(CTU)级别上统计各帧局部亮度直方图,用帧间局部亮度直方图差异表征帧间场景变换程度;其次,引入帧内编码帧(I帧)检测窗,在检测窗内通过比较帧间场景变换程度自适应确定I帧;最后,根据帧间场景变换程度与迷你图像组(MiniGOP)大小之间的相关性确定MiniGOP大小,从而自适应确定普通P和B帧(GPB帧)及双向预测编码帧(B帧)。实验结果表明,与x265标准中的相关算法相比,所提算法能够有效降低x265的编码复杂度,可在减少近5%编码时间的前提下,实现视频I帧、GPB帧和B帧的高效自适应决策。Abstract: The video frame type decision is one of the key factors affecting the efficiency of video coding. This paper proposes an adaptive video frame type decision algorithm based on local luminance histogram to improve the x265 encoding performance. Firstly, the local luminance histograms of frames are calculated at the level of 64×64 Coding Tree Unit (CTU), and the difference of local luminance histogram between frames is used to represent the degree of scene variation between frames. Secondly, Intra-coded picture (I-frame) detection window is introduced. I-frame is determined by comparing the degree of scene variation between frames. Finally, the Mini Group Of Picture (MiniGOP) size is determined according to the correlation between the degree of scene variation and MiniGOP size, so as to determine adaptively Generalized P and B picture (GPB-frame) and Bidirectionally predicted picture (B-frame). Experimental results show that compared with the relevant algorithms in x265, the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the coding complexity of x265, and decide I/GPB/B-frame efficiently and adaptively with nearly 5% less coding time.
Key words:
- Video coding /
- x265 /
- Local luminance histogram /
- Video frame type decision
表 1 全局亮度直方图差异
$ {D_{{\text{hist}}}} $ 与局部亮度直方图差异$ {D_{{\text{local\_hist}}}} $ 比较序列 总帧数 场景切换数 $ {D_{{\text{hist}}}} > {D_{{\text{local\_hist}}}} $的场景切换数 ${D_{ {\text{hist} } } } < {D_{ {\text{local\_hist} } } }$的场景切换数 Kimono 240 1 0 1 送你一朵小红花 4089 92 0 92 战狼2 4423 185 0 185 F1赛车越野 1880 48 0 0 表 2 本场景切换检测算法与x265和参考文献[11]的检测准确度对比
序列 分辨率 场景切换数 x265 参考文献[11] 本文算法 P(%) R(%) P(%) R(%) P(%) R(%) Traffic 2560×1600 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 Kimono 1920×1080 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 FourPeople 1280×720 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 BQMall 832×480 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 RaceHorses 416×240 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 送你一朵小红花 1920×1056 92 89.39 64.13 76.19 52.17 100 81.52 战狼2 1280×720 185 96.25 83.24 71.88 37.30 97.67 90.81 红海行动 1280×720 131 89.36 32.06 72.97 41.22 95.54 81.68 变形金刚5 1280×720 52 93.75 57.69 73.53 48.08 95.83 88.46 F1赛车越野 960×540 48 86.84 68.75 74.19 47.92 93.33 87.50 表 3 本场景切换检测与x265算法运行耗时对比(μs)
序列 分辨率 x265 本文算法 Traffic 2560×1600 46071.36 34.13 Kimono 1920×1080 17382.75 12.77 FourPeople 1280×720 6774.90 4.93 BQMall 832×480 2069.15 1.46 RaceHorses 416×240 662.11 0.92 表 4 本文算法与x265中两种算法和参考文献[13]的算法性能比较
Class 序列 x265快速 x265 Viterbi 参考文献[13] 本文算法 BDPSNR $ \Delta T $(%) BDPSNR $ \Delta T $(%) BDPSNR $ \Delta T $(%) BDPSNR $ \Delta T $(%) Class A Traffic 2.618 1.623 –1.236 2.513 0.605 1.59 0.524 –1.170 PeopleOnStreet 0.139 0.510 –2.195 3.240 0.020 1.07 –1.056 –0.532 Class B Cactus 5.742 2.681 –0.615 6.368 0.361 0.23 3.892 0.216 Kimono –1.242 1.592 –2.262 2.425 0.115 –3.38 –1.369 –1.579 Class C BasketballDirll 4.167 2.412 0.106 7.592 0.632 1.25 –1.315 0.822 PartyScene 8.163 6.423 –1.193 4.715 0.553 0.84 2.125 0.583 Class D BasketballPass 1.203 4.741 –2.007 4.23 0.487 5.27 1.773 –0.836 RaceHorses –0.276 4.285 –1.053 9.542 0.196 1.75 –1.741 –1.474 Class E FourPeople 3.658 2.130 1.507 2.776 0.951 2.89 –3.773 –0.256 vidyo4 1.646 3.359 2.119 2.034 0.622 2.45 –1.410 –0.572 Class F SlideShow –0.892 3.824 –6.364 5.186 1.494 1.59 –9.727 –0.119 SlideEditing –0.672 2.535 –7.382 8.571 0.417 2.15 –10.631 –1.658 平均值 2.021 3.010 –1.715 4.933 0.537 1.475 –1.892 –0.548 -
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