Quantum Image Chaotic Cryptography Scheme Based on Arnold Transforms
摘要: 在确保量子图像密码算法安全的基础上,为进一步优化解密图像质量及计算复杂度,该文提出一种基于Arnold变换的量子图像混沌加密方案。方案使用量子细胞神经网络产生的混沌信号来控制量子Arnold变换、量子交换(SWAP)和量子控制非操作(CNOT),然后将这些操作作用于量子明文图像中以获得相应的密文图像。研究结果表明:所提量子灰度图像加密方法具有高安全性、高解密图像质量及低计算复杂度的特点。
- 量子图像密码 /
- 量子细胞神经网络 /
- 量子混沌系统 /
- 量子Arnold变换
Abstract: For improving the resolution of quantum decrypted image and computation complexity under the premise of ensuring quantum image cryptography algorithm security, an approach to quantum image chaotic encryption scheme based on Arnold transforms is proposed. In the paper, the chaotic signals generated by quantum cellular neural network are applied to control quantum Arnold transforms, quantum SWAP and quantum Controlled NOT (CNOT) operations which are utilized to process the plain quantum image to obtain the corresponding cipher image. Theoretical analyses show that the advantages of high security, fine resolution of decrypted images and considerable computation complexity are all presented in the proposed quantum gray image encryption scheme. -
表 1 明文图像及相应密文图像的熵
图像名称 明文信息熵 密文信息熵 Woman 7.1615 7.9976 Pepper 7.5940 7.9957 表 2 明文图像及相应密文图像在水平、垂直、对角方向的相关性
图像名称 明文邻接像素相关性 密文邻接像素相关性 H V D H V D Woman 0.9795 0.9885 0.9230 –0.0076 0.0052 0.0328 Pepper 0.9913 0.9940 0.9670 –0.0141 –0.0481 0.0379 -
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