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程庆丰 马玉千

程庆丰, 马玉千. 两个认证密钥协商协议的前向安全性分析[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(12): 4294-4303. doi: 10.11999/JEIT211137
引用本文: 程庆丰, 马玉千. 两个认证密钥协商协议的前向安全性分析[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(12): 4294-4303. doi: 10.11999/JEIT211137
CHENG Qingfeng, MA Yuqian. Cryptoanalysis on the Forward Security of Two Authenticated Key Protocols[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2022, 44(12): 4294-4303. doi: 10.11999/JEIT211137
Citation: CHENG Qingfeng, MA Yuqian. Cryptoanalysis on the Forward Security of Two Authenticated Key Protocols[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2022, 44(12): 4294-4303. doi: 10.11999/JEIT211137


doi: 10.11999/JEIT211137
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61872449)




    马玉千 yuqianm2000@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TN918; TP309

Cryptoanalysis on the Forward Security of Two Authenticated Key Protocols

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61872449)
  • 摘要: 目前,网络安全及隐私受到广泛关注。前向安全性是Günther在1989年提出的一种认证密钥协商协议( AKA)的安全属性(doi: 10.1007/3-540-46885-4_5),该性质经过30年的蓬勃发展已经成为研究领域的热点之一。该文主要分析了MZK20和VSR20两个AKA协议。首先在启发式分析的基础上,利用BAN逻辑分析了MZK20协议不具有弱前向安全性;其次利用启发式分析和Scyther工具证明了VSR20协议不具备前向安全性。最后,在分析VSR20协议设计缺陷的基础上,提出了改进方案,并在eCK模型下证明了改进后协议的安全性;并且,结合Scyther软件证明了改进VSR20协议与VSR20协议相比明显提高了安全性。
  • 图  1  VSR20协议的登录和认证阶段

    图  2  Scyther软件分析VSR20协议

    图  3  改进VSR20协议

    图  4  Scyther软件分析改进后VSR20协议

    表  1  BAN逻辑分析MZK20协议

     MZK20协议期望达成的目标如下(参与双方用$ {{\text{S}}_j} $和$ {{\text{U}}_u} $表示,$ {K_{uj}} $表示双方达成的会话密钥):
     G1. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{uj}} $;
     G2. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{uj}}) $;
     G3. $ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{uj}} $;
     G4. $ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{uj}}) $.
     $ {\text{Message}}\,{\text{1}}\quad {{\text{U}}_u} \to {{\text{S}}_j}: < {\{ {\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}\} _{{K_u}}},{\{ {C_u}\} _{{K_S}}} > $;
     $ {\text{Message}}\,{\text{2}}\quad {{\text{S}}_j} \to {{\text{U}}_u}: < {D_j}{ > _{ < {\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}{ > _{{K_{{\text{RC}}}}}}}} $;
     A1.$ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{\text{fresh}}({C_u}) $,$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;{\text{fresh}}({D_j}) $;
     A2.$ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{C_u} $,$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;{D_j} $;
     A3.$ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\mathop \Leftrightarrow \limits^{{K_u}} {{\text{S}}_j}) $,$ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\mathop \Leftrightarrow \limits^{{K_u}} {{\text{S}}_j}) $;
     A4.$ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{controls}}\;{K_{uj}}) $,$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{controls}}\;{K_{uj}}) $;
     A5.$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{{\text{RC}}}} $,$ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{{\text{RC}}}} $.
     F1. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{sees}}\; < {\{ {\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}\} _{{K_u}}},{\{ {C_u}\} _{{K_S}}} > $;
     F2. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{sees}}\;{\{ I{D_u}\} _{{K_u}}} $,$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{sees}}\;{\{ {C_u}\} _{{K_s}}} $;
     F3. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{said}}\;{\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}) $,$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{said}}\;{C_u}) $($ {\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u} = {C_u}P \oplus {\text{PI}}{{\text{D}}_u} $, $ {X_u} = h({\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}||{\text{p}}{{\text{k}}_{{\text{RC}}}}) $且$ {\text{PI}}{{\text{D}}_u} = {\{ {\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}\} _{{K_u}}} $);
     F4. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{C_u}) $,$ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{X_u}) $;
     F5. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{uj}}) $($ {K_{uj}} = {\text{S}}{{\text{K}}_{uj}} = h({\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}||{C_u}P||{D_j}||{X_u}||{\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_j}) $);
     F6. $ {{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{believes}}\;{K_{uj}} $;
     F7. $ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{sees}}\; < {D_j}{ > _{ < {\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}{ > _{{K_{{\text{RC}}}}}}}} $;
     F8. $ {{\text{U}}_u}\;{\text{believes}}\;({{\text{S}}_j}\;{\text{said}}\;{D_j}) $($ {K_{uj}} = {\text{S}}{{\text{K}}_{uj}} = h({\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_u}||{C_u}P||{D_j}||{X_u}||{\text{I}}{{\text{D}}_j}) $).
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