A Passive Ranging Method for Shallow Water Sound Sources Based on Large Aperture Horizontal Array
摘要: 面向浅海水下声源的被动测距需求,该文提出一种基于大孔径水平阵的简正波分离与测距方法。该方法针对频率波数域模态曲线弯曲导致的同阶简正波分离处理复杂的问题,在各阶简正波截止频率不随信号频率变化的条件下,提出基于波数伸缩的简正波模态对齐方法,实现不同阶简正波的有效分离。通过非线性相位补偿实现多阶简正波的能量聚焦,结合距离遍历、峰值提取实现声源距离的被动估计。该方法可获得空域、频域增益,实现多模态能量的累积,为微弱声源目标的距离估计提供了新的技术途径。最后,结合仿真数据验证了方法的有效性。Abstract: In order to meet the demand for passive ranging of sound sources in shallow water, a normal mode separation and ranging method based on a large-aperture horizontal array is proposed. This method deals with the problem of modal separation that caused by the bending of the modal curve in the frequency-wavenumber domain. Under the condition that the cut-off frequency of each order normal mode does not change with the signal frequency, a alignment method based on wavenumber scaling is presented to realize the effective separation of normal modes. The energy focusing of normal modes is realized by nonlinear phase compensation, and the passive ranging of the sound source is realized by combining distance traversal and peak extraction. This method can effectively achieve gains in space and frequency domains, and obtain multi-modal energy accumulation, which provides a new approach for the distance estimation of weak sound sources. The effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation data.
Key words:
- Large aperture array /
- Passive ranging /
- Wavenumber scaling /
- Normal mode separation
表 1 不同信噪比下的声源测距结果
输入信噪比(dB) 测距均值(km) 平均误差(m) 标准差(m) –20 9.7595 –240.50 3.29 –25 9.7590 –240.10 8.53 –30 9.7587 –241.30 10.36 –35 9.7592 –240.80 79.62 –40 9.7097 –290.27 112.74 表 2 不同阵列长度的声源测距结果
阵列长度(m) 测距结果(km) 相对误差 500 9.56 4.4%R 1000 9.62 3.8%R 1500 9.75 2.5%R 2000 9.76 2.4%R 表 3 不同频段LFM信号的声源测距结果
处理频段(Hz) 测距结果(km) 相对误差 100~400 17.59 12.05%R 200~500 17.96 10.20%R 300~600 19.25 3.75%R 400~700 19.74 1.30%R 表 4 不同距离的声源测距结果
声源距离(km) 测距结果(km) 相对误差 10 9.76 2.40%R 20 19.25 3.75%R 30 28.72 4.36%R 40 38.19 4.52%R 50 46.38 7.24%R -
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