Design of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Low Pass Notch Filter Based on Novel bow-tie cell Structure
摘要: 为降低滤波器的插入损耗以及实现滤波器的小型化,该文提出一种新型具有陷波功能的人工表面等离子体激元(SSPPs)低通滤波器,该滤波器主要由新型蝶形单元结构、过渡结构以及用于实现陷波功能的叉指电容环路谐振器(IDCLLR)结构组成。新型蝶形单元结构是由一个椭圆形贴片向左右方向旋转30°构成,经过镂空处理后可以显著降低插入损耗,相比传统的矩形和椭圆形结构具有更好的色散特性,大大提高了滤波器的带内的平坦度和带外抑制能力。该文对矩形、椭圆形、梯形以及新型蝶形等不同单元结构的色散曲线进行了分析,并仿真分析了滤波器的S21和S11曲线,验证了新型蝶形单元结构在色散特性、插入损耗、低截止频率和带外抑制方面所具有的优势。最后,对该滤波器进行了加工和测试,测试结果表明,该滤波器仿真结果和测试结果吻合较好,表现出较好的带外抑制和带内平坦度,可以实现对特定干扰频段陷波抑制。滤波器尺寸为0.98λ0×0.17λ0。该人工表面等离子体激元滤波器从设计新型单元结构的角度出发,实现了良好性能的同时,实现了滤波器的小型化。
- 低通陷波滤波器 /
- 人工表面等离子体激元 /
- 色散特性
Abstract: To reduce the insertion loss of the filter and achieve filter miniaturization, a novel Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SSPPs) excitonic low-pass filter with a notched band is proposed, which consists mainly of novel bow-tie cells structure, transition structures, and InterDigital Capacitance Loaded Loop Resonators (IDCLLR) structures used for accomplishing the notch function. The novel bow-tie cell structure is composed of an elliptical patch rotated 30° to the left and right directions, which can significantly reduce insertion loss after hollowing out. Compared with the traditional rectangular and elliptical structure, novel bow-tie structure has better dispersion characteristics, which improves greatly the filter's in-band flatness and out-of-band rejection capability. In addition, the dispersion curves of different cell structures such as rectangles, ellipses, trapezoids and novel bow-tie are analyzed, and the S21 and S11 curves of filters are simulated. The results show that the novel bow-tie unit structure has advantages in dispersion characteristics, insertion loss, low cut-off frequency and out-of-band suppression. Finally, the filter is processed and tested, and the test results show that the filter simulation results and test results match well, have good out-of-band rejection and in-band flatness, which can achieve notch suppression for specific interference bands. The size of the filter is 0.98λ0×0.17λ0. From the point of view of a new element structure is designed, this SSPPs filter achieves good performance and miniaturization. -
表 1 蝶形单元结构尺寸
d L4 W α 值 4.38 mm 1.6 mm 0.66 mm 30° 表 2 低通滤波器各部分尺寸(mm)
L1 L2 L3 a b1 b2 c1 c2 θ 值 3.5 6.6 27.32 1.24 0.94 6 2.8 1.1 15° 表 3 不同文献滤波器参数对比
表 4 叉指电容环路谐振器尺寸
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 值(mm) 2.09 3 1.5 0.1 0.46 0.1 -
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