Fast Partition Algorithm in Depth Map Intra-frame Coding Unit Based on Multi-branch Network
摘要: 3维高效视频编码(3D-HEVC)标准是最新的3维(3D)视频编码标准,但由于其引入深度图编码技术导致编码复杂度大幅增加。其中,深度图帧内编码单元(CU)的四叉树划分占3D-HEVC编码复杂度的90%以上。对此,在3D-HEVC深度图帧内编码模式下,针对CU四叉树划分复杂度高的问题,该文提出一种基于深度学习的CU划分结构快速预测方案。首先,构建学习深度图CU划分结构信息的数据集;其次,搭建预测CU划分结构的多分支卷积神经网络(MB-CNN)模型,并利用构建的数据集训练MB-CNN模型;最后,将MB-CNN模型嵌入3D-HEVC的测试平台,通过直接预测深度图帧内编码模式下CU的划分结构来降低CU划分复杂度。与标准算法相比,编码复杂度平均降低了37.4%。实验结果表明,在不影响合成视点质量的前提下,该文所提算法有效地降低了3D-HEVC的编码复杂度。Abstract: Three Dimensional-High Efficiency Video Coding (3D-HEVC) standard is the latest Three-Dimensional (3D) video coding standard, but the coding complexity increases greatly due to the introduction of depth map coding technology. Among them, the quad-tree partition of depth map intra-frame Coding Unit (CU) accounts for more than 90% of the coding complexity in 3D-HEVC. Therefore, for the intra-frame coding of depth map in 3D-HEVC, considering the high complexity of CU quad-tree partition, a fast prediction scheme of CU partition structure based on deep learning is proposed. Firstly, the dataset of CU partition structure information for learning depth map is constructed. Secondly, a Multi-Branch Convolutional Neural Network (MB-CNN) model for predicting the CU partition structure is built. Then, the MB-CNN model is trained by using the built dataset. Finally, the MB-CNN model is embedded into the 3D-HEVC test platform, which reduces greatly the complexity of CU partition by predicting the partition structure of CU in depth map intra-frame coding. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces effectively the coding complexity of 3D-HEVC without significant synthesized view quality distortion. Specifically, compared to the standard method, the coding complexity on the standard test sequence is reduced by 37.4%.
表 1 编码单元深度和QP的关系(%)
深度=0(尺寸=64×64) 深度=1(尺寸=32×32) 深度=2(尺寸=16×16) 深度=3(尺寸=8×8) QP=22,不同CU深度占比 29.29 3.43 10.75 56.10 QP=39,不同CU深度占比 70.72 10.25 8.87 10.17 平均占比 50.01 6.84 9.81 33.13 表 2 本文构建的数据集
数据集类型 序列 分辨率 帧范围 样本个数 训练集 Kendo 1024×768 0~299 57600 GT_Fly 1920×1088 0~249 127500 验证集 Balloons 1024×768 290~299 1920 Poznan_Hall2 1920×1088 210~219 5100 测试集 Newspaper 1024×768 280~299 3840 Undo_Dancer 1920×1088 230~249 10200 样本总和 206160 表 3 训练样本的组成形式
深度 划分:0,不划分:1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 最小编码单元为8×8,向下不再划分 组成形式 1, 1011, 0000, 0000, 1010, 0010 表 4 实验环境
硬件实验环境 名称 型号 处理器 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31230@ 3.20 GHz 运行内存 8.00 GB RAM 显卡适配器 NVIDIA Quadro K2000 软件实验环境 名称 型号 操作系统 Windows 10 Python 3.5 Tensorflow 1.4.0 CUDA 8.0 表 5 编码参数配置
编码配置参数 数量 Max CU Width 64 Max CU Height 64 Max Partition Depth 4 GOPSize 1 QP值 (纹理, 深度) {(25, 34), (30, 39), (35, 42), (40, 45)} 表 6 标准测试序列及其参数
序列 分辨率 帧率 视点 Balloons 1024×768 30 3 1 5 Newspaper 1024×768 30 4 2 6 Poznan_Hall2 1920×1088 25 6 7 5 Poznan_Street 1920×1088 25 4 5 3 表 7 本文算法、参考文献算法与HTM16.0的时间节省比较(%)
表 8 本文算法与HTM16.0的率失真性能比较(%)
序列 纹理视频 0 纹理视频 1 纹理视频 2 纹理视频 PSNR /
纹理视频比特率纹理视频 PSNR /
总比特率合成视点 PSNR /
总比特率Balloons 0 0 0 0 0.4 7.7 Newspaper 0 0 0 0 0.3 4.4 Poznan_Hall2 0 0 0 0 0 6.2 Poznan_Street 0 0 0 0 –0.1 5.4 1024×768 0 0 0 0 0.4 6.0 1920×1088 0 0 0 –0.4 –0.1 5.8 平均值 0 0 0 0 0.2 5.9 -
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