6D Pose Estimation Network in Complex Point Cloud Scenes
摘要: 针对工业上常见的弱纹理、散乱摆放复杂场景下点云目标机器人抓取问题,该文提出一种6D位姿估计深度学习网络。首先,模拟复杂场景下点云目标多姿态随机摆放的物理环境,生成带真实标签的数据集;进而,设计了6D位姿估计深度学习网络模型,提出多尺度点云分割网络(MPCS-Net),直接在完整几何点云上进行点云实例分割,解决了对RGB信息和点云分割预处理的依赖问题。然后,提出多层特征姿态估计网(MFPE-Net),有效地解决了对称物体的位姿估计问题。最后,实验结果和分析证实了,相比于传统的点云配准方法和现有的切分点云的深度学习位姿估计方法,所提方法取得了更高的准确率和更稳定性能,并且在估计对称物体位姿时有较强的鲁棒性。Abstract: Focusing on the robot grasping problem of point cloud targets in complex scenes with weak texture and scattered placement, a 6D pose estimation deep learning network is proposed. First, the complex scenes of the physical environment are simulated, where point cloud targets are randomly placed in multiple poses to generate a dataset with real labels; Further, a 6D pose estimation deep learning network model is designed, and a Multiscale Point Cloud Segmentation Net (MPCS-Net) is proposed to segment point cloud instances directly on the complete geometric point cloud, solving the dependence on RGB information and point cloud segmentation pre-processing. Then, the Multilayer Feature Pose Estimation Net (MFPE-Net) is proposed, which addresses effectively the pose estimation problem of symmetrical objects. Finally, the experimental results and analysis confirm that, compared with the traditional point cloud registration methods and the existing deep learning pose estimation methods of the segmented point cloud, the proposed method achieves higher accuracy and more stable performance. The preferable robustness in estimating the pose of symmetrical objects also proves its efficacy.
Key words:
- Point clouds /
- Deep learning /
- Pose estimation
表 1 训练基本配置表
配置项目 项目值 配置项目 项目值 数据集总量 10000个 平均点距(水平) 1 mm 单场景物体数 4~7个 优化器 SGD 训练集数量 9000个 训练迭代次数 500 测试集数量 1000个 BatchSize 16 初始学习率 0.01 学习率衰减步数 50 表 2 语义分割精度(%)和平均时间(s)
方法 精度(%) 平均时间(s) 物体A 物体B 物体C 物体D 物体E 物体F 物体G PointNet++ 82.93 0.286 86.74 80.23 83.33 78.53 83.51 85.74 88.73 MT-PNet 89.79 0.305 89.74 87.97 84.69 92.42 88.05 87.21 95.50 MV-CRF 91.03 2.973 91.27 92.03 89.65 89.02 92.78 89.95 94.47 本文 99.02 0.324 98.79 99.28 98.99 98.93 98.61 98.97 99.67 表 3 实例分割精度(%)和平均时间(s)
方法 精度(%) 平均时间(s) 物体A 物体B 物体C 物体D 物体E 物体F 物体G MT-PNet 80.84 4.973 78.87 75.55 83.48 86.99 75.06 87.85 84.25 MV-CRF 84.45 8.934 83.03 80.21 85.77 88.96 80.57 89.11 89.48 本文 94.35 5.312 92.74 96.85 93.53 95.06 94.67 93.83 93.51 表 4 不同实例聚类方法精度(%)
方法 精度(%) 物体A 物体B 物体C 物体D 物体E 物体F 物体G HAC 72.05 54.87 83.68 72.08 75.06 78.84 67.19 79.48 DBSCAN 89.75 83.51 92.06 94.05 80.83 85.47 92.59 90.64 MeanShift 94.35 92.74 96.85 93.53 95.06 94.67 93.83 93.51 表 5 姿态估计精度(%)
FPFH+ICP PPF+ICP CloudPose+ICP 本文+ICP AD AD-S AD AD-S AD AD-S AD AD-S 物体A 88.13 99.88 97.72 99.77 88.53 97.21 98.32 100 物体B 77.86 96.47 71.67 72.07 85.82 93.66 96.30 97.68 物体C 61.02 96.36 93.17 99.80 71.86 96.73 96.51 98.91 物体D 87.83 97.23 98.04 98.54 97.53 98.36 97.85 99.25 物体E 3.72 94.82 10.89 99.02 12.54 96.73 12.24 99.08 物体F 48.17 97.80 42.44 99.21 53.36 92.63 49.56 98.91 物体G 28.04 96.54 23.82 96.76 32.02 91.36 17.07 97.25 表 6 单个实例识别时间(s)
FPFH+ICP PPF+ICP MPCS-Net+CloudPose+ICP 本文+ICP 平均计算时间(单个实例) 3.72 4.43 0.62 0.58 -
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